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TA Suspicious?


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We received two copies of this email - one stating that Sunquest requested the information, another that Apple Vacations requested it. Even though it says it is a company policy. We have been told by Visa and the police not to hand over the information.


"We have been advised my Apple Vacations for all credit cards used for payments that we will need the credit card form signed, a copy of the credit card front and back, security code number of the card, along with a copy of the drivers license of the person that is paying for travel."


Do any of the travel agents know if this is legit? All money has been paid, BUT we are leaving April 11th, and have no tickets yet.

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I sometimes have clients send over a copy of their DL if I do not know them well.


There have been a lot of scams of people booking travel with bogus cc so I use it as a security measure.


I guess you can talk to your TA and see if there is an alternative if you don't want to do it but then they do not have to book the trip for you.

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Call them directly rather than just responding to the email and ask why they need this info now. This was requested of me by our resort. I had to send a copy of my credit card front and back along with drivers license copy to my resort for my wedding deposit. I thought that it was an odd request and I called Visa before I did it to see if this was a valid request and they told me yes. They said that some palces are requesting more info now when they don't have the card to swipe. They said should anything appear on my statement that I did not authorize to call immediatley though.

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honestly I have never used a travel agent before but if the only reason they can give you is "just because" that sounds a little too sketchy. i agree with with a previous poster said about just keeping an eye on your credit card bill after to make sure nothing is charged onto it that you didnt authorize. however it scares me that someone would have all your information off your drivers license if you send them a copy of it! what stops someone from copying your identity. maybe this sounds paranoid to think that way but there is so much identity theft lately that it doesnt hurt to be extra careful. unless you can be actually be given a real reason as to why they need your credit card and drivers license I wouldn't just hand it over.

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Then call your travel agent and ask if this can affect your trip, since it is already paid in full. Also I would just say to her/her that unless you can be given a good reason you will in no way hand over your credit card. Don't let them bully you into handing it over either. I can understand if the resort asked for your credit card so it can be put on record in case of damages while you stay there but other than that I am stumped as to why it would be required.

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