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booked BD session & have a question

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MODS: This is definitely posted in the wrong place! I'm sorry!


ohmygosh I am getting nervous already! I found unveiled photograhphy out of southern wisconsin: www.unveiledportraits.com


I wanted to ask a question to you ladies who have had your session already. Did you get the rights to your pictures? She doesn't even give us the option-- but because I love her work so much, and there aren't many other photogs in the area I think I'm just going to go along with it.


It's $350 for an-all inclusive type session that comes with a 5x5 10 pg book, or a $135 product credit. (I def. plan to upgrade to a larger book). Does this seem reasonable since I will not own the rights to the pictures afterward? Yikes, I'm nervous about her owning my pics, but there is a partial release option where she won't post any where you can identify me.


What are your opinions? Is this a red flag?

Thanks ladies.

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Some photogs never give out the disk for printing, so this is not abnormal. And, since she took the photos, she owns the copyright. But, they are images of YOU - so if you don't want her to post ANY photos of you online or anywhere (even if you're not identifiable in the photos) then ask her to put that in the contract. Or, ask her to write into the contract that any photos she uses for her portfolio or online must be approved by you first. These requests really shouldn't be a problem for her unless she's offering you a very discounted rate.

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I totally agree with Nathaniel. If you don't want your photos on her website then you need to be clear about that in the contract. Also as far as owning images, IMO think about what you are going to do with the photos, would you want to hang one on your wall, or is it only for a book for your FI? If all you wanted to do is get a book, then I say go for it. It seems like a decent price, if it includes the hotel room.

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I don't think those prices are too unreasonable, but you only get the book with that? Do you have the options of getting other stuff?


Have you asked why you can't have rights to your photos? Normally, I know it is pretty expensive to do so, but I haven't really seen any who just won't let you.


My photog gave me the rights, but also had a form for me to sign so she could use the photos in her marketing materials, BD website, etc...

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Originally Posted by KatyKo View Post
I don't think those prices are too unreasonable, but you only get the book with that? Do you have the options of getting other stuff?

Have you asked why you can't have rights to your photos? Normally, I know it is pretty expensive to do so, but I haven't really seen any who just won't let you.

My photog gave me the rights, but also had a form for me to sign so she could use the photos in her marketing materials, BD website, etc...
the option for prints is available, but i'm not sure what the cost would be. A larger 8x8 book would be an additional $150, on top of the $350 for a grand total of $500 + tax.

i have not asked about rights, but i will.

Here is the specific contract language that is making me a little nervous:

Partial Release
• Photographer reserves the right to display, reproduce, publish,
exhibit and otherwise use the images created hereunder as samples of
the Photographerâ€s work to be shown to prospective clients. Any use of
the images produced hereunder shall be judicious and consistent with
high standards of taste and judgment.
• The Photographer shall not participate or assist in any public
display, or sale of images produced hereunder in which recognizable
person are pictured without specific consent of the Client.
• Images that are used will not show Client's face or any identifying
• Client further waives any and all rights to review any use of the
images but may notify the Photographer which images are not to be
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Originally Posted by nathanielthompsonphoto View Post
Also, I just checked out her wedding website, and it looks like she offers the disk of images in her wedding packages, so she doesn't seem to have a "philosophical" issue with giving out the disk. Maybe try asking her how much it would be to purchase the disk in addition to your package?
Thanks! You're doing my research for me. wink.gif I will definitely ask.
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Yeah, if you're nervous about the partial release, ask her to remove it. You're PAYING her for a service. Allowing her to use the photos for her portfolio would be kind of you (I know I always appreciate it when my clients allow me to - which most do), but this is a much more personal shoot - and if you're nervous about her usage at all - just ask her to remove the partial release.

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The price is very reasonable... so I wouldn't worry about that. I did a group BD session for $400 each that incl. hair/makeup; $150 room credit; one album (can't remember size but 20 photos); 6 outfit changes, etc - so yours is amazing for an individual shoot.

My package included me having rights to all of my pictures (no cd though, but an online gallery with print rights) and my photographer included a disclaimer saying that our photographer will not use any of the pictures without our permission.

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