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Do you excercise when sick?


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Ok ladies, it never fails...when I get back into the swing of excercising it seems like i always get a cold or sinus infection. Is it healthy to do cardio or work out in general when your body is already down?

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I never workout when I'm sick. It always makes me feel worse or delay me getting better. Your immune system is already down....that's why you're sick.


I know there is a trainer on here. I can't remember her name (sorry!!). Maybe she'll jump in here and tell us what's best =)

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I have been told that if the symptoms are above your belly then you are supposed to keep working out. It builds up endorphins and helps you fight off sickness. If it's more flu like symptoms... don't even try it!

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are you kidding I don't even exercise when I am healthy, no just kidding if its just sinus' I think you are okay, but otherwise I think you should just rest, maybe just walks or something not too intensive.

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