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Maternity pics


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Hello ladies!

I keep going back and forth on whether or not I want to have maternity pics done. I talked to hubby about it over the weekend and he doesn't seem to care either way. The bigger issue is that I don't really have a photog I feel I could trust. There is a girl whose work I like (she took our wedding pics for the AHC) but, she's friends with someone I wouldn't want seeing those pics and it would constantly be on my mind sad.gif I would love nothing more than to go to Cancun and have Erik take the shots (he was our wedding photogs and I love love love his work) but, that's obviously not happening! sad.gif or I keep wishing I lived somewhere close to Tammy :)

Basically, I could just use some suggestions/direction on the topic. Any ideas?

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I totally think you should do it. Even more so since it's your first child. I think having photos of when you are pregnant on the babies room is something you'll charish forever. I'm sure there are photographers in your area that would do a great job. :-)

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I think you should totally do it too! Tammy IS (regardless of what she might say! LOL) doing my maternity photos and I'm SO excited!!! I'm paying for her to come out here and then also for the session, but it's totally worth it. I trust her completely and I know I'll get great images! I'm actually super excited! i will be doing the photos on the lakeshore!! Plus, as an added bonus, hopefully we'll get to do some additional work together while she's out here! :)

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I'm glad you started this thread, Bisha! I've been going back and forth whether or not to take these pics, too. I love looking at maternity pics, I just don't know if I would want to do them myself. It may just depend on what I look like closer to my due date blush2.gif!


My thing is, I really want to have newborn pics done and so far from what i've seen, a newborn session can be a bit pricey. So, if I'm going to spend $ on pics, I would rather spend the $ on the newborn pics vs. maternity. If I find a photographer that won't charge me too much for both sessions, I will probably consider maternity pics a bit more.


But, I say you should totally go for it!!!

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Do it!


I love mine & look at them all the time. There are great photographers all over.. just do a search in your area and ask around.


The time goes by so fast and when it's over you'll miss it, even if you have a rough pregnancy like I did...


Here are mine (by the lovely Tammy of Tammy B Photography):



Tammy B Photography Blog: My First Maternity Photo Shoot

Tammy B Photography


Tammy B Photography Blog: Connor / Lansing Photography / Newborn photographer

Tammy B Photography

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I think maternity pictures are a great thing to spend the money on. If I had known the people I know now that did photography I so would have had them done while I was pregnant with Wyatt. I think being pregnant is a beautiful thing and many people think this too. Capture every moment of it as it will go by so fast....and before you know it your baby will be grown.
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OMG Sarah the newborn pics are SO adorable!!



Bisha, where in PA are you? I'm in NJ and I know the photographer JennyK loves, and I'm using for my BD shoot tomorrow does maternity pics also. She's in Red Bank, depending on where in PA you are she could be not to far of a drive.

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Thank you all of your input!


Sarah, your pics are gorgeous. I actually showed DH your pictures as an example of what I would want! :)



Thanks so much for the info. I live in Horsham but I work in Princeton. I'm not sure at all where Red Bank is. Would you mind forwarding on her info?

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Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin View Post
Sarah, I just saw your maternity pics and they look great! And, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your newborn pics. He's ADORABLE! Great job Tammy!

Tammy, why don't you live in CA so you can take my pics?!?!?!?
Thanks.. Yeah I often ask DH why we don't live in CA.. I used to live there for 4 years and I really want to move back. I'm actually traveling to CA in May to visit Jess and Rebecca and take photos of their babies. I can't wait, plus they are dear friends of mine. :-)
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