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TA issues

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So I am so pissed right now. My stupid TA has been a pain in the ass since day 1. He is a complete scatter brain and is lazy as hell. He keeps making all these errors and then when he is conforted on it, he shrugs it off like it is no big deal. Like hello dumb ass, this is my wedding, of course its a big deal. So we leave on Saturday and he just mailed the tickets. We were supposed to recieve the tickets and hotel vochers, well guess what.. the idiot forget to include the hotel vouchers. I am at work right now, am trying to get as hold of him so he can resend it. I am going to make hiom fedex them. I could scream at him right now!girl_werewolf.gif


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OMG Sarah I cant believe he did that!!! What a moron! I had so many problems with TA's which is one of the reasons why we arent going away!! You would think they would be a bit more helpful since they are probablly making a crap load off of your trip! I really hope you get it sorted!

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He doesn't seem very proessional at all... if you have time I would call or email his boss. That's ridiculous. No way should you have to put up wih his crap.

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Ugh, Sarah that's so annoying. Like you need to add to the stress. I've had pretty bad luck with TAs too - generally they seem to be pretty lazy and don't really give a stink. When I called a TA here in Calgary to see about my wedding in May she told me not to call back until August! I just wanted some preliminary info! Anyways, I'm glad I'm going with Tammy (host)! Sarah, I would keep on calling him until he gives you a Fed-Ex tracking number. Call him every half hour until he gets the point!

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