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I didn't know where to post this so I'll try this thread. I know that about a week ago I read that somebody was looking for a palm tree punch. Well I was at Michaels crafts yesterday and found two. One was about an inch and one was about an 1/2. They were cute. If anyone knows who it was please let me know. I would love to send it to her. I know how frustrating it can be to try and find something that you really want. Well thanks girls for your help.


Shana Merl

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You know what.. that may have been me a few weeks ago... not sure if there was a new girl out there looking for the same thing... but I to have since found and bought both sizes of the palm tree punch from Michaels! And after I bought it I went there yesterday again for some other stuff and they of course are now on sale! At least at mine anyways! So instead of the 18 dollars it was for 12! So anyone still looking to buy one... go check it out! And thanks for thinking of us and letting us know where you found some!!!

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Oh good, I'm glad you found them. That is always how it is. After you buy something it goes on sale. Do what i do. Go buy them again for 12.00 then return them with your 18.00 receipt. (if you still havr the reciept.) Gee us shopping girls can be so sneaky. I blame it on my mom. She tought me all the sneaky ways to save money on shopping. HAHA!!! Good luck with all your planning.



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