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Processional order headache

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OK, I'm trying to figure this out but honestly, I have failed so far !


So in our party, we have two groomsmen, the best "man" is a woman, and I have three BM but no MOH. We have a ring bearer and a flower girl. I definitely want to walk with my father. FI likes the idea of walking with his mom.


So I can figure the end of the procession which is : ring bearer + flower girl, me + my dad. The beginning I guess, FI and his mom (unless we skip this).


But what with the middle thing ?

1. One GM with two girls ? Knowing that the BW (best woman, ndlr) does not wear the same thing than the BM ?

2. Or, the 3 BM, the 2 GM, the BW ? That would be awkward, right ?

3. Or, each GM with a BM, and then a BM by herself and the BW, but how to select the BM, knowing that I have no MOH ?

4. Or one GM with one BM, the other with 2 BM, the BW with the ring bearer ?

5. Or, should I have the GM wait at the altar and make only the girls walk, one by one ?

6. Or, something else ?


Gnnnnnn headache. fryingpan.gif If I did not have a headache I would lough at my own post !

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I would have the groom and his party already at the altar, then everyone else one by one. For the recessional, you can couple everyone up - I don't think there is anything wrong with having the bestwoman walk back down the aisle with one of the bms. My thoughts, anyway!

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We only have one attendant each (Best Woman and MoH), and my assumption was that the BW and FH would already be up front as is the norm, and as suggested by the other posters here.


However, my WC pointed out that it makes for a nicer video to have the groom's side also walk up as a formal part of the processional as you propose to do, and suggested that his BW walk up by herself, groom walks up by himself, then my MoH, then me. In my case, the BW will not have a bridal bouquet (corsage only), but the MoH will. The BW and MoH will also be clearly dressed differently, so it's pretty obvious whose side is whose.


So in your case, you could have an order like this:


1) Walking to Bridal party song:

GM-->GM-->BW-->(FH + FMIL)-->BM-->BM-->MoH


2) Walking to Bride's processional song:



As you said, the BW and BM/MoH will be dressed differently, so no one should be confused by this. The fact that the groom follows his attendants will also be a clear signal that the BW is on his side.


I'd also suggest asking your WC or Officiant for advice - I'm sure they have both seen all kinds of configurations and would have suggestions.

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Sorry, I didn't realize that you said in your OP that you had no MoH and forgot to include the Ring bearer and FG. thus, my suggested order would be:


Walking to Bridal Party song:

1) GM

2) GM

3) BW


5) BM

6) BM

7) BM

8 Ring Bearer

9) Flower Girl


Walking to Bride's Processional Song:

10) You+Dad

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've got a similar problem, only I've got a brides man on my side. I'm pretty sure we'll have my fiance's party already standing at the alter and have my party do the processional. For the recessional, we will have everyone walk single file. Although, it does look more awkward for two men walking arm in arm than it does for two women. In your case, I would just pair the grooms woman with a bridesmaid.

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I think it will be fine however you do it.


I am facing the problem of one of FI's GM use to date one of my BM, but he will be attending our wedding with his present girlfriend. The way I had them lined up in my head, the two would be walking back down the isle together and I don't want anyone to be uncomfortable, so I am having to switch things around too. But honestly, in the end, I doubt anyone will care. The drinks will be flowing wink.gif

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