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My Colors....I need help

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Ok, originally we wanted a deep pink and tiffany blue together. But, one of my best friends is a wedding planner and said that the "in" thing to do is to do more than one color...she said I should use these 3 together....She suggested the citron color....What do you think, honestly? The blue on here doesn't really look "tiffany" but it is in person.

These are samples of the linen I want to use. I am not really too sure about the citron color.


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ETA: Jay thinks this should be the third color....

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I'll admit that I have no idea what the "in" things to do are nor do I personally really care. But if what's "in" happens to be something you also like, go for it. I'm not too sure about the citron color either. It might be nice just as accent color, a touch of it here or there. Lime green would probably go nicely with your other colors. There's a color wheel you can play with at brides.com to see what different color combinations look like. You might come up with something you like better. Hope that helps.




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PS. I guess you were editing your post as I was writing mine. That green is definitely better than the citron.

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Ya, I'm the last one to ask when it comes to something trendy... seriously, but for whatever reason I still feel the need to add my input. You can skip this post if you want! lol. I honestly think that the pink, blue and green are too much. The citron when added with the pink and blue at least adds a nutral and keeps it from getting too busy. I also like the blue, citron and green together (...which now that I see it might end up being my colours, so thanks!), but I realize that the pink was your first pick for colour... anyways. I could easily be way off on this one. I have no vision whatsoever when it comes to this stuff, I can't see in my mind what it would end up looking like. Again, you could have saved yourself some reading and skipped this post! :P

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How have I never seen that wheel before? Thanks!


I wonder if she thought we should add the citron color as an accent color but wouldn't take away from the other two? Good thinking!


I really want the pink, so that one has to stay.


Thanks, ladies!

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I have to agree with nina bride... i like the neutal-ness of the citron....i think the other three together reminds me of easter eggs :), pretty colors but a bit too much going on for my taste... I think the citron is a good compliment for the pink and blue

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I think you need one color that is more neutral than the others, three neons together is making me have MC Hammer flashbacks with stretch pants and double socks...sorry but what about the green, pink, and citron?

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The colors aren't really neon....Well, maybe the deep pink kinda is, but the blue is "Tiffany blue." It just doesn't look like it here.


But, I see what you are saying....I do need a neutral color. Just not sure if the citron is the right one.

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right - who cares about what is "in" - i mean, this is your wedding, not a fashion show! what i am saying is, go with what you LIKE. ironically, blues and greens are the colors i am using, with an accent of a fuschia color. so i like the 3 you have!

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