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Long distance FI ....


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IS so frustrating at times, not only do we live 15 hours apart I work 12 hr night shift as he is a normal 9-5er!!!


I feel like I cant get anything done with out takeing a vacation... then I need a vacation from doing so much planing on my vacation... I have 25 days I can take in the next 5 months and 5 of them I'm takeing next week (to go see him smile29.gif)


My mom is ALOT of help but she is over an hour and a half away and in two weeks she goes in for sergery and will not be able to do much for 6 weeks...


My MOH will not get on the ball to find a dress because she wants to "losse more weight" and she lives 14 hours from me so I cant just go snap a ruller at her hehe


And my other two BM (and the female groomsmen) cant get theres until my MOH pick hers out!!!


I knew having a destanatin wedding would be more work but come on why dose everything have to be long distance...


The only people in my wedding party who live near me are my flower girls and there 2 and 4....


NC, LA, TX, IL, VA, VT, GA.... who dose this to there self!

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Wow. I feel for you ! I'm an expatriate so my party is all over the world (one in Peru, one in Paris, my flower girl and ring bearer in Singapore), my parents are also in France, the only difference is, I'm living with my FI... but I understand cause I've been a regular of long distance relationships. With Boyfriends always in France and me in Tunisia, Angola, Algeria, Equatorial Guinea... Switzerland for the closest so I could come back every week-end, but still.


What is FI doing ? What are you planning once you get married ? Do you join him ? Does he come back ?


This reminds me of the other day in Court, the groom was in Irak and he got married by POA - he was not even present (in TX you only need to appear in person when you get your license).

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  • 2 weeks later...

soounds like you have a lot to pull togther but remember in the end everything always works out! I would recommend that you set hard deadlines for getting everything done, especially the dresses as August will be here before you blink, and is really not that much time left considering your priorities. Tell your MOH to get the dress, hopefully they have her size and get it altered at the end but I recommend ordering soon. Some dresses take up to 3 months to ship so you would be cutting things very close.

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