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What's something you saw at a wedding that made you swear...


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My mom owns and B&B just outside the city and she had a 50-something bride have her ceremony there. She thought THAT bride looked rediculous in her whole get-up.


I mean, every woman deserves to have the wedding of her dreams and maybe this poor lady didn't get her chance back in the 1800's (I'm so joining you girls in the underworld...) but to wear a rediculously poofy dress, veil, do up the whole balloon archway, and a GARTER REMOVAL?? That's a bit much!

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Okay, so out of all the weddings I've been to, there are plenty of things I could say, but there's one event that sticks out in my mind.


I swear I'll never do this for my wedding. A best friend of my sister's had a wedding on a small budget to save money. I understand a small budget, but there's a difference between a small budget and practically a $10 budget. First of all, there were no invitations and everything was word of mouth, email, or phone.The ceremony itself was in a park at night and actually quite pretty considering there were no decorations(just a few torches, but the scenery itself made up for it). Let me add, this park is a 2 minute walking distance from my house. It's a part of the gated community I lived in. She told the community owners she lived at our address in order to throw the wedding there without charge O_o Anyway, after the ceremony I saw two guys tie pinatas on a nearby tree. Wtf, right? Taking a closer look, The pinatas are decent sized bunnies. One dressed up as a groom and the other as a bride. The bride and groom then proceeded to whack the pinatas (bride hit the groom bunny, groom hit bride bunny). Then, of course, the absolute funniest and equally horrifying thing happened. Instead of the pinata just breaking to let the candy fall, both bunnies' bodies separated from their heads and the bodies filled with candy drop to the ground. Now, all I see is two heads, one wearing a groom's hat and the other a veil, hanging from the tree like a noose. AT A WEDDING! I couldn't stop laughing. It was both soo horrible and funny to witness.


Personally, I would've saved the money from the unnecessary pinatas and spent it on something else in the wedding or even saved the money, which was their whole intention.


Then, afterwards, we all went to AppleBee's for the reception. Now I like Applebee's, so that wasn't an issue for me, and I didn't even care about everyone having to pay their own bills for food/drinks. What I didn't appreciate is that the couple made no reservations whatsoever. The wedding was in early spring but it still got cold late at night. We basically froze our a$$e$ off waiting for literally about 2 hours for tables. I'm not kidding you. we waited in a public parking lot; all the guests and the bride in her white dress!


This next thing wasn't much of a big deal, but they even had a half sheet cake, with 'congrats' written on top. =/


As far as the the bunny pinata massacre, I have pictures for proof. I'll look for them and post them when I find them.

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Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
Omg!!! How many ppl were at that wedding? I think that's the most insane story I've heard yet!!
I would say an estimate of about 40 guests...yea, I know...20 are the most who stayed long enough for the actual reception. I don't know why I waited the full two hours myself. I'm too nice for my own good sometimes.
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Originally Posted by lisa203 View Post
HAHAHA, DWBride, you win! Hilarious!
I forgot to mention a couple things.

The food that the bride and groom ate at the restaurant was paid for by the groom's parents. Like I said, the guests all paid for their own food, but the the little food that wasn't on our dime (i.e. the cake) was something none of us even got to eat. It ended up all over the bride and groom in their cake-face smashing fun...and need I mention the restaurant floor? The waitresses and managers were definitely not happy. It was a small cake to begin with, with all the guests so there was no chance saving even one slice.

I, for one, was upset. After a wedding like that and a couple drinks already in my system to make up for it, I was ready for some dessert! Guess I should've stopped by walmart on the way home for a replica lol

At least they had fun 'trashing the dress' =/

Okay, so I wanted to add up their budget and so far the only things the bride and groom 'did' pay for was the wedding cake at a whopping $10, a couple of suicidal pinatas, and a dress they got at goodwill. A family friend of the bride wed the couple and the groom's tux was borrowed from my brother. Now, that's the cheapest and worst wedding I've ever been to.
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Originally Posted by carolina24 View Post
holy crap, you definately win!! that is the craziest story i've ever heard! they should have just done something for the two of them and saved their guests the trouble!! i'm all for budget, but if you can't afford ANYTHING don't get married, lol!!
haha, I know! The worst part is, they WERE able to afford a decent wedding, they just didn't want to smile35.gif
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  • 2 weeks later...

My sister's wedding was horrible€ but then, the entire guestlist was made up of our side of the family - the only "guests" of the groom were his best man and one groomsman. And I happen to know that my entire family cannot stand the groom (myself included)!!


Maybe it is worth mentioning that I was the maid of honour at her wedding, the best man happened to be my ex-husband, and he was there with his girlfriend, and I was there with my fiancé. What made it WORSE is my sister didn't even tell me. My ex- told me!! And, at the reception, they made us walk in together. I tried to convince her to just have the wedding party already at the head table and she and her guy could just do the entrance. But no. So I refused to walk in arm in arm, we just walked in side by side.

I'm sorry, but I would NEVER do that to anyone. My ex and I don't have an overly bad relationship (we are on good terms, but only for the sakes of our daughters), but c'mon, we're divorced and the entire wedding is made up of my family and he is the best man where I'm the maid of honour? It was definitely one wedding I was SO not excited to attend!

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