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My poor mom is having tooth issues :o(

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Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg View Post
I just realized it sounded like I was happy that my dentist killed his wife and girlfriend....oops. That is not what I was trying to get across. Just the fact that I was glad I didn't have to see him anymore.
i knew what you meant ;o)
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Jac i really think Derek should of got his one tooth pulled that he keeps having problems with. You wouldnt be able to see it if he smiled. initially that's what he was going to do but the dentist kinda talked him out of it. it hasnt bothered him for a few weeks now (since his last anitbioitc try) so maybe it's finally okay.


I told him that next time he needs a root canal than he's just going to have to get the tooth pulled and put a chiklet in its place. Which the thought cracks me up but he doesnt find it very funny.

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We always thought he was a little creepy...but he was funny so we continued to go to him. And one day he was on the news for killing is wife. Further in the investigation they found that a previous girlfriend of his was killed the EXACT same way. After like a year in court he FINALLY plead guilty and now he's in jail. Funny thing is, he asked if he could do dental stuff while in prison...they were all like "DENIED."
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Sorry to hear about the pain your mom is experiencing.. But here is my two cents. I was having problems with my back wisdom tooth. It was very painful to chew, very swollen,and just plain ol hurt to the point I didnt want anything touching my teeth. At first, I thought that my wisdom teeth were just check.. WRONG.. I had an infection, this was going on for about 6-10 mos off/on. I didnt know I had an infection until I went to another dentist and explained to him what I was feeling.. he mentioned that the pain was because not only was my tooth infected, but so was th area around the gum. Ultimately, he recommended to pull all my wisdom teeth out, since I was getting infections.


I dont want to scare you or say this is the problem.. but it may be best to find another dentist or see an oral surgeon to get another opinion.


No matter what, I hope they can find the root to your moms dental pain (no pun intended)

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your mom may want to go to an endodonist. i had a similar ongoing problem with a root canal (though not as bad as your moms sounds) and had to get the root canal retreated by the endodonist after numerous failed attempts by my dentist. the endodonist fixed it in one visit too. i'll email you tomorrow with more details. hope your mom is doing better now, tooth aches suck!!

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My mom went to specialists last night and he of course gave her yet another antibiotic for the infection. He said once that is gone he wants to pull the tooth.

I say good b/c the problems will be gone, my mom agrees but of course is nervous. She mentioned having all teeth pulled but he said no. She is trying to avoid future issues ya know. We shall see, keep ya posted.

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