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My poor mom is having tooth issues :o(

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aw i feel so bad for my mom :o( she has had this tooth problem for the past 2 months now. she went to dentist and they told her she needed a root canal, so she went in for root canal and for whatever reason they couldnt get to the bottom of the root or SOMETHING, im not sure of the medical issue but they couldnt finish it. they put her on antibiotic and rescheduled apt. she went in a 2nd time to have it, and the same thing, they couldnt finish it. reschedule again, meanwhile it hurts her and the one side of her mouth is swollen. she calls and they say b/c her tooth is rubbing, so to come in and they will file it, she does that and she feels relief. but it starts up again, so she calls them and told them and over the phone (which pisses me off they didn't want to SEE her) give her a stronger antibiotic. the swelling goes down and she feels better. she is done the meds within week i guess it was and she calls me this am and says it is hurting her again and i can tell she is ready to cry. i said how come you're ready to cry, does it hurt or are you nervous about something? and she started to cry and said well it hurts but shes more nervous, what if this gets infected or if it IS infected, that she should have just had all her teeth pulled months ago, what if its bad for my wedding, and she starts going on and on and all this. so i told her to call them back and insist on coming in, so she does and she has apt at 11. but i hope its ok and its not infected and that they just fix the damn problem! she is scared i think b/c a few years back my brother had his tooth pulled (WHEN it was infected, the dentist should not have pulled it but anyway thats a whole diff story) but within a few hours of the root canal he was in agony. he called my mom and she rushed over to his house b/c she couldnt understand what he was saying and when she saw him she was in shock at what he looked like. his face and throat were so swelled he coulnt breathe, and he was out of it, like a zombie. the infection from the tooth went in his blood stream and he almost died. the hospital said a few more hours he would have died! so he was in the hospital, icu, for about a month! he was weak and it was as if he had some deadly disease he was so comatose. she is so scared that is going to happen to her i think. poor thing.


what do you guys think is wrong with it?? frown.gif

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Wow, Jac, so scary. And I remember that happening with Jeff, it's actually the first thing I thought of when I saw the thread title. I hope Ter's appt goes ok at 11am! Keep us updated.


And how cute is she that she's worried about looking good for your wedding.

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im not sure why she wont go somewhere else. i told her to go somewhere else but she is having hard time b/c her insurance i think. and before when the pain and swelling did go away, she thought all was ok until this am when it happened again. hopefully after today she WILL go somewhere else. i mean, its redic.


yes car i will keep u posted.


it nuts b/c she was going to get invisilyn or braces a couple years ago when i got my invisilyn, she had always hated her teeth. but then decided that since shes older and would prob start having teeth issues she will just get them pulled and get new ones ;o) then my sis got married and now me so shes been putting it off and now this is happening. i feel so bad for her.

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ok so she just called, she is now at work. anyway, the "specialist"- the dentist gave her a specialists ( i didnt know this until right now, she saw him the last time too) said that all looks okay and nothing to worry about. he gave her some type of steroid antibiotic to help with the healing and to help the swelling. i asked her why she keeps going there and if she can find another place and she said that she IS seeing someone else, the specialists that the dentist recommend. he said sometimes they just have to find the right antibiotic to find out whats wrong, so it can get fixed. (obviously but i just feel like they are brushing her off) he didnt seem to think it was infected or anything major. she has an apt on mon to see if they can fricken finish the root canal. hopefully the meds work and they can actually do the work!!!

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Jac something similar happened to Derek and he's still have issues with the same tooth. they'll do something to make it feel better for about a week and than the pain and swelling starts up again. And he's switched dentists once over it and still has problems. His teeth have cost us a small fortune in the last year. I guess like they just told your mom they need to find the right antibioitc. I hope they can finish the root canal they started and she can start feeling better.

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omg danielle that is insane, poor derek. i dont get it, why cant they find the problem with theese teeth??


do you think if she had all her teeth pulled it would make it better??


omg, miss frog, i just laughed at your reply. lol i know its TOTALLY not funny AT ALL and i feel bad for my lol moment but your tone is so funny. wow that is nuts he killed them, what a monster, may he rot in hell, teeth and all! what an erie feeling that must be, knowing he touched your teeth! lol i will give my mom a hug from you haha thx.

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