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Help me quit my job!


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I need some help. (And please no flames I already feel really bad.) I've been a nanny for 8 months. I have been in childcare for 11 years and I have burnt out. I can't do it anymore. A few weeks ago I had another miscarriage and they know this. I had to take a few days off. Since then it's been really hard to continue to watch him. Everytime he loves on me or hugs me or anything like that I burst into tears. Gah! There are some other issues that I'm not happy with but I don't want to tell them those and leave on a bad note. The other thing is I want to tell them today and have my last day be the 26th (3) weeks. My one boss is going out of town next week. So do you think that's bad. She'd have 2 weeks technically and he'd have 3. I just don't think I can hang on and wait 2 weeks and then give 2 weeks. KWIM? We just had a rough patch where they weren't paying me correctly and we fixed that and now this. But right now the stress from my job I'm carrying home and taking out on DH. Which is not fair to him and he's told me to quit and take some time. Theres some more things that make this really good for me to do (the commute and more time to spend) I haven't seen my DH in months due to us being busy. We just opened our own Chiropractic Practice (today is the grand opening :) )We get home and go to bed. My kitties are also being neglected. I feel horrible.


Sorry for the rant. I just don't know how to tell them without dwelling too long. She has a stressful job (stock market) but I really can't wait for that to get better. I need to get better. Do I keep it short and sweet "Since my mc I just don't feel I'm caring for him as best as I am able" Or do I say all the reasons why. And is the time frame I'm giving them good? Acck I hate leaving nanny jobs. I've never quit or been fired so this is new. Please help!

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oh holy man, cali i am so sad for you, first of all, so sorry to hear about the mc sad.gif BIG HUGS!


i remember you had to quit when you were moving but that was totally different, you had a nice easy ready-made excuse to tell that family.


if i were you i would just be honest, but dont feel like you have to go into too much detail with them, your reasons should be good enough. i wouldnt mention the bad parts about your hire there, just keep it to the personal stuff and let them work it out.


i bet they will appreciate that you need to take care of yourself before someone elses child, and hopefully that will make it easier on you.


keep us updated!

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Oh Calia I'm sorry to hear you are going through all of this! You need to do it today, the sooner the better. Don't go into too much detail, just explain that you need some time for yourself right now and although you wish you could stay, it isn't what you need to be doing right now...blame it on the new clinic if you need too....family business is a perfect reason to leave. Don't feel bad, you're health and wellbeing is the most important thing! Be strong and focus on you! Big hug!

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I don't think you have to give them all the details. I would say that you are going through some personal stuff that doesn't have you in a good space right now and you have to do what is best for you and that is taking some time for yourself. Do you know anyone else in the childcare field that you could perhaps at least send their way for an interivew?


Also could you tell them that ideally you'd like to be done in 3 weeks, however you don't want to leave them high and dry and that if they dont' ahve anyone by then you can fill in when needed

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I agree with what the other girls have said - I would say it's due to personal reasons (i.e. the mc, your new family practice, etc.) and leave it at that. I think you're being very responsible personally by facing the fact that you can't care for the child now as well as you believe you could. I think any reasonable parent would truly appreciate your honesty.


As far as the time you're leaving them - I like what Meagan said. Tell them the date you'd like to leave, but also tell them you understand this is a tough situation and offer to help them find someone else and/or fill in if absolutely necessary until everybody gets their feet on the ground.


Good luck!

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So sorry about your m/c Calia. I had no idea. Big hugs to you!


I would do what the girls have said.


Tell them you have a lot going on right now and have decided to take a break from working for a while. Let them know your last day and that you will be on the look out for someone for them to hire and if you find someone you will send them their way. You don't have to give them the details. Be strong for yourself. You will be in a much better place if you do this.

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I agree with everyone who says you don't have to give them details on why you're leaving. A simple "Due to personal reasons, I feel that it would be best for all involved if I discontinued my employment here." Anything more may be overshare or may make them feel as if they have the chance to change your mind or can expect you to return to work once things are better for you. I would type it out and send it or hand deliver it to avoid having to verbally express your resignation as I'm sure it will probably be emotional for you.


If you have someone who is trust worthy and available that you would recommend, then great! Ask that person if it's ok for you to refer the family you take care of to them and then give the family the contact information.


If you don't have anyone to refer, it's not really your job to find a replacement. It's nice if you want to do that (especially if you're close to the family), but unless you're in an employment contract, you don't have a professional obligation to do so. However, the better the situation you leave this family in, the more likely you'll be able to use them on your resume as a positive reference. Plus it's nice to help them out, considering that the reason why you're leaving is not because of something they did.


I am very sorry for your loss and I hope the best for your physical and emotional recovery. You're right to put you and your DH first, because you can't be very good to others if you're not good to you.

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oh cali i had to come back because i totally forgot to say CONGRATS to tony for starting his own practice! that has to feel good, thats what he was in school for so long and why you moved away, and now the dream is finally coming to fruition! that is super awesome!

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Thank you everyone! I did it yesterday. She already knew I think. She asked if I was happy and I started sobbing. I kept it short and just emotionally I cannot handle watching him every day. Good thing though is he already on a waiting list for a daycare. (She put him on when we were trying to figure out my pay a little while ago). Waiting lists are long here and not many nannies so I couldn't refer anyone to her. Her step-mom is going to take over. We're gonna transition me out and her in. I feel so much better.


Originally Posted by Abbie View Post
oh cali i had to come back because i totally forgot to say CONGRATS to tony for starting his own practice! that has to feel good, thats what he was in school for so long and why you moved away, and now the dream is finally coming to fruition! that is super awesome!
Thank you! We are majorly excited. He opened yesterday. It was ALOT of work. Painting, building and decorating. It looks awesome. I need to take pictures and post them. I didn't take before pictures which sucks. Thank you for thinking of him!
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