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FS - OOT extras

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I thought I would post an update!


**17 mugs left (I miscounted the first time- had way more then I posted!)


**Towels are gone (however, go check the christmas tree store and you might be able to find some!)


**First Aid kits are spoken for


**I have 12 bug wipes left


**all the coin purses and the bags have been spoken for


**The sticky pads are spoken for


**I still have 15 manicure sets left

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  • 3 weeks later...

I still have them. I actually emailed you back on March 10 asking for your address so I could figure out shipping from Vermont and never heard back so I figured you weren't interested. If you are please let me know and I can figure out shipping.


Also, we bought them at Orientaltrading so if you need a bunch more you might be better off just getting them all from there.





Originally Posted by Prettyhazardous View Post
Megan you were supposed to be checking on shipping for the sticky pads for me. Have you found out yet? Also where did you purchase them? I may need to get some more.
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I'd have to check to see how many silver I have. When I bought them from the Christmas Tree store I just took what I could get because the price was so good!!!


I'll let you know when I've counted them.



Originally Posted by BillysBride View Post
Hey, how many of the mugs are silver? I really like them, but need something that wouldn't clash too terribly the rest of my stuff.
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Ok I just checked my gmail and it shows that I emailed you back with my address. Oh well must be a miscommunication. But thats ok I'll just get them from OTC bc I need like 40 and it may just be easier to get them there. I really do apologize for the mix up. I was really just waiting to hear back from you. TTFN.

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