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Getting Wisdom Teeth Out

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When is your appointment to go? Everytime I see this thread pop up I feel a little nervous for you! Hopefully all goes well, especially since if it does it'll make me feel better when I go lol (I know, I'm so selfish!)

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It's no big deal if you follow post-surgery directions. I work in a dental related field and the people who have excruciating pain tend to ignore the dds's advice. Make sure not to smoke anything, suck anything through a straw, or spit. That will prevent dry sockets. I had 4 removed - 2 impacted - with only a bunch of shots of novacane and I felt no pain. If you're being sedated you really have nothing to worry about in terms of pain.


The part that sucks most is after surgery when you do have some pain and bleeding. Remember not to spit blood out, rather use a tissue to dab it out if that makes sense. And lot's of ice, immediately and all night the first night so you have minimal swelling the next day. You can use a scarf to hold ice packs or bags of frozen veggies in place on both sides of your mouth. It really helps preventing looking like pumpkin head! You'll be fine and relieved to get it over with :o)

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Thanks for the great advice - frozen peas and a scarf. I'll have to remember that, lol.


Courtney, my appointment is on Thursday morning at 9:45. Right now I'm not too worried about it cause I have a huge Spanish final tomorrow morning that I'm studying my butt off for (well, I should be but right now I'm on here... ;P)


Right after my boyfriend and I are going to drive up to Denton, Tx which is about 35-45 mins North of Dallas to stay with my Grandparents. They have a nice comfy house and it will be nice to be near them during my recuperation period. Ollie (our dog) is coming too. Here's Ollie:

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With a cute dog, boyfriend and grandparents around I'm sure I'll be doing great! wink.gif

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I had my wisdom teeth out a couple years ago. 2 impacted and 2 partially out. I had zero problems. No swelling, no bruising, easy peasy! I just kept ice on my face :)

Robin had his out and wasnt put totally under, just frozen and he had no problems either.

So dont worry itll all go totally fine!

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I had 4 out, I only had a problem with one, I had a dry socket. The dry socket was excruciating, especially since I had to go to work during the day and couldn't take the pain meds because they made me tired, so I'd have to spend 8 hours at work, on the phone all day, in excrutiating pain. I don't even know what I did wrong! I followed all the damn instructions. Other than that, no problems.


Don't worry you'll be fine.

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I had all four removed. They were impacted. It is not too bad. I am a major wimp. I cannot get my blood taken or even look at a needle (even on TV). Make sure you get some good pain medicine and lots or rest after. Lots of pain medicine!

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