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Have you ever laughed so hard that milk came out your nose?

Yes. I've had milk, coke and beer. Let me say that beer is the worst!


Have you ever been scuba diving? bunjee jumping? sky diving?

No....but my FI and I are planning to go sky diving later this summer.


Tell us three things about yourself the rest of the world doesn't know:


1. I currently have one tattoo. In the process of finding a design that both my FI and I love to get after we are married.


2. When I was little I had a heart murmer.


3. Everyone may have read this already, but I don't want to have children. Me or my FI. We really want to adopt. Haven't told our parents yet, but I am sure they will be understanding and supportive.



What is the weirdest nickname you've ever been given from anyone? Lets see, I have alot of them. Carebare, KK (my 2 yr. old neice can't say my name), Big'en (long story).


When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried? Just last week at work. I can't remember exactly what happened but everyone in the office was laughing so hard that they were crying.

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Have you ever laughed so hard that milk came out your nose?

I don't drink milk (although I know I should). It just has always grossed me out, and my gag reflex kicks in whenever I attempt to drink it. I can eat cereal though, I like my Cheerios with milk, just as long as I don't actually taste the milk. I know...that doesn't really make any sense, but I'm pretty finicky when it comes to what I eat and drink. I have had water come out my nose though...ouch!


Have you ever been scuba diving? bunjee jumping? sky diving?

I went skydiving in Switzerland. It was amazing! The scariest part was the rickety plane we rode up in. My FI really wanst to go scuba diving on our honeymoon, but it just doesn't appeal to me. I'm kinda chlostorphobic, and I don't like fish...I don't want them touching me...ICK!!


Tell us three things about yourself the rest of the world doesn't know:


1. I am deathly scared of balloons. The mylar (shiny silver ballons) are no problem, but regular balloon send me into a full-blown panic attack. My stomach does flips, my chest tightens up...it's bad. If I see them from a distance, I'm okay, but if they get within 50 feet of me I have to close my eyes and plug my ears. I'm a freak, I know. The worst is when I see someone bending balloons. That squeeking noise puts me over the edge.


2. I've never had a soda in my life. I've had a sip by accident couple of times (when somone's Sprite was next to my water glass), and spit in out. I don't know how anyone can stand that fizzy feeling. In fact, I don't drink anything, but water. I've never liked milk, juice, soda, sports drinks, or anything but water (and I'm very picky about my water...I can't stand it when restaurants put lemon in my water). I do drink wine and beer socially, but never with a meal.


3. I like to dance (and squat, and lunge) when trying on clothes in dressing rooms. I would be mortified if someone ever saw me.



What is the weirdest nickname you've ever been given from anyone?

My FI has so many pet names for me, some are Spanish words like "Niña", some are made up words like "Hiddy" (short for "hideous", but in a very loving way :), but I think the one that takes the cake is "Goat Toes". One of my BF in highschool coined this one...for no apparent reason, but it stuck for a long time.


When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried?

Yesterday, one of my second graders (such a cutie) was flexing his bicep and staring at it with such pride during math class. Everyone else was oblivious to it because they were engrossed in "subtraction with regrouping", but it was just too funny that I couldn't help myself.

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Wow Susan! Why balloons though? I've only ever seen that on Maury before... and other people on the show are terrified of kittens. I don't mean to make fun of you, it just amazes me I guess. Are you afraid of when balloons pop? I always got made fun of because I was afraid of Mannequins. They're SO creepy. And at the Bay, in the cooking section they have mannequins w/no heads, but cooking utensils stuck in their necks. Uber creepy!


Also, good for you about the soda. I'm an absolute addict.

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Have you ever laughed so hard that milk came out your nose?

Can't say that I have. and now that I've said it it will probably happen to me today.


Have you ever been scuba diving? bunjee jumping? sky diving?

No.. I'm too much of a chicken


Tell us three things about yourself the rest of the world doesn't know:


1. I am afraid of driving over bridges or driving up hills, I don't know why, I'm afraid of driving when I can't see the other side of what I'm driving to... really weird it just started recently.


2. During conversations, when someone is talking to me and I'm responding by saying.. hmmm, yea. I'm totally not listening too you. I know I'm horrible.


3. I can't stand the sound of a certain type of windbreaker material when it rubs together, it hurts my ears and makes me cringe like nails on a chalkboard. When I was younger my mom use to "test" the jackets before I even tried one on.


What is the weirdest nickname you've ever been given from anyone?

Kotush is my current nickname, it means kitten in polish.


When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried?

Last Sunday after my team members teased me for accidently cc my professor on an email to my group members announcing that I found the answer to our homework assignment online.

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Originally Posted by Adamsgrrl View Post
When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried?
Last Sunday after my team members teased me for accidently cc my professor on an email to my group members announcing that I found the answer to our homework assignment online.
lol I still can't believe that! I would have been laughing so hard I'd cry too... but it'd start out like a laugh and go right in to a full fledged cry, no laughing left! You're brave to walk into his classroom again after that lol. OMG, I have apit in my stomach just thinking about it!
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