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Put your smile on!!!

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Hey Gals and Guys. A lot of us on this forum seem to be going through some stressful times, so I thought I'd get a "questionarre" up and going and hopefully it can draw some funny stories - afterall, laughter is the best medicine! :)


So here's how it goes: try to answer all the questions possible, and if your answer makes you think of a story that goes along with - then share it!!


Heres the questions:


Have you ever laughed so hard that milk came out your nose?


Have you ever been scuba diving? bunjee jumping? sky diving?


Tell us three things about yourself the rest of the world doesn't know:









What is the weirdest nickname you've ever been given from anyone?


When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried?



Hmm, ok that's all i can think of for now. Feel free to add some questions.


Here are my anwers:



Have you ever laughed so hard that milk came out your nose? No, no beverage of any kind. I've heard it hurts though. I've burped pop through my nose... that's hurts too!!!


Have you ever been scuba diving? bunjee jumping? sky diving? sad.gif Sadly no, I really want to scuba dive. and I've always thought about bunjee jumping but I'm a big wimp!


Tell us three things about yourself the rest of the world doesn't know:


1. I am deaf in my left ear. Not "legally". I forget how many decibals I can hear in that ear, but it's enough that I can block out sounds like my brother's alarm clock in the mornings (his room is right next to ours). All I have to do is roll over and the room is silent again! :) Same with the TV in our bedroom. Its kind of a blessing!


2. I've always wanted a tattoo, but I can't decide what!! When Aaron and I were online dating his screenname was Devil, and mine was Angel (I know, cheesie!) so I was thinking something to incorporate those.


3. When I was a baby one of my eyeballs was stuck in place, so I constantly looked crosseyed. The muscle wasn't strong enough to move or something. Anyways, given time everything worked properly. Kind of scarey/sad for a parent, but they make for some pretty funny pictures now!



What is the weirdest nickname you've ever been given from anyone? OMG, I have so many! Besides my screenname (Nini, which my cousin gave me because she couldn't say my real name!), Spaghetti, Snarf, Chicken Little, I could go on and one. Apparently Snarf emerged from my brothers fav. cartoon? He was the cat or something!


When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried? It was kind of random. We were watching America's Funniest Home Videos, and a guy had loaded his toaster, which sat on the counter below a set of cabinets above. So, he leaned over to look directly into the toaster, the toast popped and he hit his head on the cabinet. So boring sounding, but I could not stop laughing. Tears were streaming down my face, and Aaron just looked at me like I was retarded!!!



lol - ok I didn't get any funny stories out of mine, but maybe you can do better!!

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Great Idea!!! I'm ready to put my smile on!!!


Have you ever laughed so hard that milk came out your nose?

Not milk, but iced tea yes. popcorn.gif


Have you ever been scuba diving? bunjee jumping? sky diving?

no/no/no! But I have been snorkeling a couple of times! I'm too scared to scuba, after Open Water; don't trust the bungee (but would love to try it!) and would LOVE to sky dive, though I'm pretty sure I'd chicken out.


Tell us three things about yourself the rest of the world doesn't know (well, I'll just do 3 things the people on this forum don't know!):


1. I am slightly obsessed with Lord of the Rings. I have read the books 5 times and watched the movies a countless number of times. :) (which may explain why I named my cats after a pair of hobbits!!)


2. I own not one, not two, but *blush* THREE Backstreet Boys CDs!!! Two were from my High School days, so I have an excuse there. But embarassingly enough - I bought the latest one last year and secretly love it smile35.gif


3. I have a thing for SciFi - the channel. If I'm bored, I'll turn on SciFi and watch whatever WEIRD movie they have on, and no matter how ridiculous the plot or incredibly odd the topic, I always get hooked on it. Want an example? I watched all of freaking "Sabretooth!" Anyone seen that one?? I should get a medal for sitting through it! (Though Josh Holloway did make it MUCH easier! wink.gif) But I did find a series on there that is one of my favorites - Battlestar Galactica. Anyone seen that one? It's great!!! cheesy.gif



What is the weirdest nickname you've ever been given from anyone?

Hmmmm....nothing too weird actually. I'll go with Joe. I don't know why, but in Middle School a group of us wrote a bunch of silly short stories about Billy, Bob & Joe (each of us being one of them). It's pretty funny to go back and read them now!


When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried?

I can't remember...probably some TV show or movie. I have a great sense of humor though, so I laugh at pretty much anything. People say that if you want to feel funny, just tell me a joke & you'll feel like a comedian!

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Have you ever laughed so hard that milk came out your nose?


I'm not a big milk drinker, but I've had a variety of beverages come out of my nose through the years. Beer is the worst!


Have you ever been scuba diving? bunjee jumping? sky diving?


No, no and no....but I've been "sky coasting" which is similar to bungee jumping I guess.

I'd love to do any one of those though!


Tell us three things about yourself the rest of the world doesn't know:


1. Similar to Courtney, I was born with a problem with one of my eyes - the muscle in it is split down the middle so it runs down both sides of my left eye instead of just one side like most people's. I can't turn my left eye to the left so if I want to look left I have to turn my head not just move my eyes (or else I see double).


2. I have a big ugly mole right in the centre of my back. It's seriously right smack dab in the centre - I bet if you measured from side to side it would be exactly the same distance from one side to the mole as it is to the other.


3. I get stage fright when I go to the washroom - I can't pee if I think that anyone can hear me. It's so so bad when I'm in public washrooms, I literally have to sit there until there is no one in the washroom before I can pee. Weird, I know.



What is the weirdest nickname you've ever been given from anyone?


Moesha. Well...it started out as Marcia, then Moy-sha...and evolved into Moesha. I swear I must have a speech impediment or something because whenever I answer the phone at work and say "Melissa speaking" I always get "Sorry...Marcia is it?" but one guy said "Marcia?" and I said "no, Melissa" and he said "Moy-sha?" and I was like "no...Mel is sa" and he was like "Moesha?" whatever I just gave up and said "ya, it's Moesha" - so I've been called Moesha at work ever since.



When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried?


The other day driving home from work with my sister. It went something like this:


Sister: "I need a bike rack for my car"

Me: "What?"

Sister: "I need a bike rack for my car"

Me: "Huh??"

Sister: "I need a bike rack for my car"

Me: "Why do you need to buy crack for your car?"

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Originally Posted by mexicomelissa View Post
When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried?

The other day driving home from work with my sister. It went something like this:

Sister: "I need a bike rack for my car"
Me: "What?"
Sister: "I need a bike rack for my car"
Me: "Huh??"
Sister: "I need a bike rack for my car"
Me: "Why do you need to buy crack for your car?"
haha, omg... when you say it out loud I can see where the mistake came in. lol I'm still laughing at that one!!
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Originally Posted by mexicomelissa View Post

3. I get stage fright when I go to the washroom - I can't pee if I think that anyone can hear me. It's so so bad when I'm in public washrooms, I literally have to sit there until there is no one in the washroom before I can pee. Weird, I know.
That's so weird, I get that too.... I can't go if DF is in the bedroom, I have to go the bathroom down the hall. At work, I have to use the same stall at the same time everyday, or I'll just wait all day until I get home.
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Have you ever laughed so hard that milk came out your nose?

yes, actually my dad and I were just talking about this after my sisters wedding, my brother and sister always used to say funny things just as I was drinking my milk at the dinner table (we were required to eat family dinners every night I was at my dads)


Have you ever been scuba diving? bunjee jumping? sky diving?

nope, my dad had a really good friend die from jumping out of an airlplane (he was a police officer that was training and his chute didn't open) anyway, my dad started a charity golf tournement in his friends name (its goes to the widow and childrens fund for their police department) anyway long story short, I will never jump out of a plane because of that.


Tell us three things about yourself the rest of the world doesn't know:


1. well I have said this before on another thread, so I guess most people know this, but I am seriously afraid I cannot have children. I don't think I can get pregnant.


2. I am also really afraid that I will inevitably wind up divorced as everyone in my family seems to wind up divorced.


3. I hate spiders, my mom told me that when I was little I was bitten by a spider on my cheek and I swelled up really bad, so I am really afraid I will get bitten and get really sick-sometimes I even see creepy crawling spiders when I close my eyes sometimes...it always freaks me out and makes me not able to sleep.



What is the weirdest nickname you've ever been given from anyone? don't really have any nicknames, but my best friend used to call me Stine because she couldn't pronounce Christine


When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried? when a student farted in class, it suddenly got really quiet in clas and then this kid started laughing at soemthing he and someone else were looking at online and he let out the loudest fart ever.

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great idea courtney!


Have you ever laughed so hard that milk came out your nose? I've had wine come out my nose. Ouch!


Have you ever been scuba diving? bunjee jumping? sky diving? I've been sky diving once and I loved it so much, but I just don't have the disposable income to support that hobby!


Tell us three things about yourself the rest of the world doesn't know:


1. I am completely in love with Bruce Springsteen.


2. I am 100% addicted to chapstick and I freak if I can't find it.


3. I can't decide on a location... oh wait, everyone knows that! Hmm, I can't think of something interesting.



What is the weirdest nickname you've ever been given from anyone? I have lots of nicknames. Mainly TVT - my ititials and on my license plates. I have a younger brother who thought my name was Honey for years and years! My mom always called me that and until Jason, my bro, was about 5 or 6 he called me Honey. When we'd tell him that my name was Tara, he's say "no, it's Honey" Cute


When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried? About a month ago. Joe really cracks me up and one night we were drinking and he was doing this stupid dance and singing and I was laughing so hard as I was about to go down the stairs. Well I totally biffed the stairs and fell down them - with a glass of wine in hand that I saved from spilling. Then I sat at the bottom and laughed so hard I cried.

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Have you ever laughed so hard that milk came out your nose?

Not milk, but soda... and that hurts!!!


Have you ever been scuba diving? bunjee jumping? sky diving?

No sad.gif


Tell us three things about yourself the rest of the world doesn't know:


1. I'm very artistic (I paint, draw and love creating furniture)


2. I went through a goth stage in high school (but didn't do the face paint thing!!)


3. I'm naturally thin, but I get so offended when people point it out, even if they are trying to be complimentary by comparing my body to a models... I totally would pack on about 15 pounds if I could!



What is the weirdest nickname you've ever been given from anyone?

No one's ever given me a nickname, thank god, I don't like nicknames!


When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried?

Hmmm... can't recall!

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Originally Posted by tvt View Post
I am 100% addicted to chapstick and I freak if I can't find it.
OMG, me too!!! Seriously, I ALWAYS have a chapstick/lip gloss in my coat, purse and in Aaron's truck and my parent's vehicles. I think I have chapstick OCD or something lol. In fact... I need chapstick right now...
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Have you ever laughed so hard that milk came out your nose?

Soda, it sucks


Have you ever been scuba diving? bunjee jumping? sky diving?

No....snorkeling and a hot air balloon ride is the closest I've come to that, very fun though


Tell us three things about yourself the rest of the world doesn't know:


1. I'm currently addicted to those fruit & walnut salads from McDonalds - yum!


2. I have a subscription to the Sedona Journal and read it faithfully


3. When I was little I thought I was magic because I would fake sick to skip school saying my head hurt, and then my head would hurt. Same thing with sore throat, tummy ache, whatever I lied about to get out of 3rd grade (like it was so tough) would come true. That's how I learned about the power of suggestion and how everyone is magic if they focus on something enough, lol.



What is the weirdest nickname you've ever been given from anyone?

Hammy - from my family because I was a chubby baby


When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried?

Last week in a work meeting, most of us were really tired = delirious. The manager leading the meeting asked someone what he thought of the new policy he had been explaining for the last 15 minutes, and my co-worker goes "I'm sorry, I spaced out". I lost it! I was so loopy and not into the meeting as it was, that set me off. I had to excuse myself and go to the bathroom to wipe the tears from my eyes. Maybe you had to be there . . .

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