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My Gown came in way too soon AHHHH!!!!!

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I'm freaking out because my gown that I ordered 2 weeks ago arrived at the shop today. I was told that it wouldn't arrive until JULY!!! and it arrived today. Furthermore they are expecting me to pick the gown up and pay the $400 balance in one week. I'm like you have gotta be kidding me. The lady's like well we don't offer storage but we'll give you a month. Then as we were getting off the phone she's like ok I'll see you in 2 weeks. I'm like lady is it one week, two weeks, or 1 month. So now I have to come up with $400 in a week. I feel really bad bc my FI is just like we'll pay for it. But I really didn't want him to have to pay for my gown. On top of that I wanted to quit my part time job tomorrow. But now I'm scared to do so. Oh well this is a lot to sleep on.
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ohmygosh! it sounds like your FI is fantastic, so thank goodness for that. i hope you can work something out with the salon-- 2 weeks sounds more than reasonable when you weren't expecting the gown for 4 months! maybe you can work out something with them?


but at least you have your gown in hand, and in more than enough time for your big day.

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