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Anyone else obsessed with AI?


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I'm so glad I'm caught up with watching this weeks shows!! I see this thread & refuse to read anything until I see the show! (I always PVR and watch the next day!)


I'm glad Meghan is out too!! She definitely acted like an idiot!! Who goes across the AI stage flapping your arms & cawing like a bird!huh.gif wtf.gif

But you guys said she was bawling at the end. That was mostly because she talked about going home to her baby. When she was thanking everyone after her song the last thing she said was "mommies coming home baby" and she kissed her pendant (pic of baby maybe?). I think that's what got her so emotional. I think she was ready to leave - I think she was missing her 2 yr old. Just my thoughts!!


On another note (I know I'm a bit behind), I LOVE Kris!!! He did an awesome job!! And I was blown away by Danny...after you girls telling me his sad story I was almost in tears!! Scott was actually good this week! Impressed!! And wtf is up with Alison being in the bottom 3?? That's stupid!! LOL I think that would have been the judges save right there...


Can't wait for next week!!!

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Originally Posted by Jacilynda View Post
kris is very good and always has been, but I don't ever remember who he is. Now that we're done to this many I definitely know who he is, but I was afraid for him for a while cause he was forgettable.
I definitely forget Kris. After the other contestants sang this week and they said there would be one more after the break, I couldn't figure out who hadn't sang yet!
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I REALLY liked Megan at the beginning but she let me down when she made no progression whatsoever and then acted like she was too good for the show. But I am glad she is gone.


Kris is very modern in his music. But I guess, just about every other contestent is too. This season has some GREAT artists!

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