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Anyone else obsessed with AI?


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When I first saw Danny audition, I thought one of his friends looks like a friend of my MOH's, so I googled him to find out where he went to school. I found Sophie's friendster page (or one of those social networks that isn't myspace or facebook). She was a huge fan of American Idol. I cried a little when I saw that! I'm such a sap. His Grandfather died this week too. I don't know how he holds himself together.


Meghan's dancing is absurd. Really. She needs to stop it.

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Originally Posted by Sapphire723 View Post
I cried a little when I saw that! I'm such a sap. His Grandfather died this week too. I don't know how he holds himself together.

I don't know how he holds it together! I used to sing a lot. I've been through a lot of loss and hold it together pretty well, but when I would start singing, I would break down! I don't know how he does it. but, he does it and he does it well!!!!
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yaa I noticed Simon nodding his head too! Danny was amazing tonight and really deserved the credit for how he rocked that song! it is one of my all time favourite songs and I have no clue how he held himself together singing that! he is such a strong man!


but also did anyone notice Danny didnt have his wedding ring on tonight? kind of wondering why he took it off..

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Yeah unfortunately I feel like the producers might have alot of say in how the contestants look and what they wear. I didn't like how earlier in the season Simon told Kris Allen not to talk about his recent marriage. Sure, it'll probably lessen the amout of votes he gets from the screaming teenage girls, but who cares? If people like him they'll vote for him.

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I was talking to my FI though about why Danny might not have been wearing his ring and we both agreed that if the producers told him to take his ring off that is so tasteless and terrible and I would really hope they didnt do that.


But who do you all think will be voted off tonight? I did not like Mike, Lil and Megan last night! I am hoping Megan gets kicked off! Her song gave me goosebumps, but not the good kind lol, she sounded like finger nails on a blackboard and I think her time is up she just isnt doing well anymore.

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