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Anyone else obsessed with AI?


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I don't know how I missed this thread. I am completely addicted to AI! I was sort of sad that Alexis got voted off though. My favorite from the beginning has been Danny, but as the weeks go by there are so many of them that are good!


Oh and Casey, I know what you mean about Adam! I think his act might get old pretty soon though. I don't know, some nights I like that he's different but other nights I cringe.

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So...I'm a little behind finding this thread but here goes...


While I'm not a complete nut for the auditions & Hollywood week I do love the finals on the big stage! I'm always a day or two behind though because I PVR EVERYTHING - I hate watching commercials!

I did catch the little 16 yr old Allison in the semi's when she sang Alone by Heart - she got me right there...I LOVE THAT SONG! and she did an awesome job of it. I liked Alexis too, and am sad to know that she is gone (I didn't get a chance to watch the results yet!) Oh...and I really like Danny most of the time...I think the beginning of this weeks song was a little rough for him, but he really kicked it up about half way through. I don't like Scott. He's a good singer yes, but I don't think he's Idol material.

My beef with this week is the judges comments for Lil & Adam. First Lil comes out & does a very nice country...the judges tell her to R&B it up - but some of her into it. Then Adam comes out & changes a country song to suit his 100% alternative style & the judges tell him that it's country week. I just think they had two conflicting comments here! Did anyone else think the same or was it just me?? I understand that Adam may have went over the top...but that's Adam....and that's why they put him there! While I'm not a huge Adam fan I can appreciate him. He's trying to be different (well...not really different to all the alternative bands out there now, but different from AI)...I think for an alternative, new age genre he did a great job...it's just not my thing! And aren't they always saying "make it your own" - he definitely did that!! lol

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I agree about the comments for Lil and Adam!!! And whenever the judges tell someone to stick to their style, eventually down the road they tell them that they are predictable and don't do anything outside their comfort zone. lol. I feel sorry for them sometimes!

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Originally Posted by Nikki07 View Post
I agree about the comments for Lil and Adam!!! And whenever the judges tell someone to stick to their style, eventually down the road they tell them that they are predictable and don't do anything outside their comfort zone. lol. I feel sorry for them sometimes!
And I feel sorry for EVERYONE who has to listen to Paula!! Man...she is such a dope! hahaha It's so hard not scream at the screen "Spit it out you drunk druggie!!" And if I have to hear "you touch my heart" in any variation one more time I'm going to go crazy!! HAHAHAHA
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HAHAHAHAHA..... yeah she has totally lost it!! The best part is watching Simon's face while she's trying to s-s-s-s-spit out her comments!!!! Do you ever notice that she actually makes words up when she's trying to describe someones performance? I think the ultimate best was when she predicted 3 people to be in the finals..... well maybe I'm exaggerating, but it was at least 2, which I'm sure will change next week.

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I've really been in to AI this year too. Some years, not so much, but this year I really think there's a lot of good talent. I've had a difficult time picking a favorite! Allison has really been sticking out to me though..however a lot of the guys have crazy good talent!!

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