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so how many are going just the 2 of you?

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My fiance is also my ex-husband! I am so happy that we have worked things out and are ready to take the next step in saying our vowels all over again. here's the thing, we were already married in our hometown with family and friends and this time we want to go to a place thats near and dear to both of our hearts...the Caribbean...Most of my friends do not support us getting back together and so we though the best thing to do would be go to an all inclusive resort and have a small intimate ceremony with just us. That way we can share our joy with complete strangers who will actually be happy for us! So I was wondering how many of you just went together without guests from home? Thanks for your reply's!

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Wow! Congrats!!!!! That's awesome that you two are back together again. I lover hearing stories like that. :)


We'll be with 17 other people ... not just us ... but I think there are a few brides on here who have at least gone with only 2-4 other people.


Do you have any idea where you'll hold the ceremony yet? :)


Happy planning!!! bunny_4.gif

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Congrats....Life is funny like that:-)

Honestly, I would not mind one bit if it was just me, my love, and the person doing the ceremony. I would do exactly what you are planning...a really nice AI...take pictures and let everyone see them when we return home.

But, since this will be the first marriage for the both of us, there is NO WAY, my mom is not going to be there. I would never hear the end of it, plus somehow, someway she would just appear from out of nowhere....hahahaha

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I am getting married in april in jamaica and it's just the 2 of us. And I can't wait. If you want to do it I say go for it. You won't have a lot of planning, no stress and you can enjoy each other.


Anyway, aren't you getting married for for yourselves?!

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I was wondering this same thing.... It seems like everyone has friends with money. I dont have hardly any family/friends that could afford to come with us. And i wouldnt want to ask my friends to spend their one vacation a year on a trip for me. Originally it was just going to be the two of us but my dad was really hurt by this and now my parents and brother are planning on coming.


Wish you both all the best. Hope you have a wonderful, beautiful, intimate time together and a new start.

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I was wondering this same thing.... It seems like everyone has friends with money. I dont have hardly any family/friends that could afford to come with us. And i wouldnt want to ask my friends to spend their one vacation a year on a trip for me. Originally it was just going to be the two of us but my dad was really hurt by this and now my parents and brother are planning on coming.


Wish you both all the best. Hope you have a wonderful, beautiful, intimate time together and a new start.

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Originally Posted by ksryan View Post
I was wondering this same thing.... It seems like everyone has friends with money. I dont have hardly any family/friends that could afford to come with us. And i wouldnt want to ask my friends to spend their one vacation a year on a trip for me. Originally it was just going to be the two of us but my dad was really hurt by this and now my parents and brother are planning on coming.

Wish you both all the best. Hope you have a wonderful, beautiful, intimate time together and a new start.
yea, that's exactly how i feel! i think there are a couple people joining us now, my mom is planning on coming and his niece is going to be my bridesmaid so she will come of course. i dont know how I feel about sending out invitations. I dont want anyone to think they are not included but I dont want anyone to feel pressured that they MUST come..Well congrats and hapopy planning!
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You go Girl!!!

That's exactly what my hubby and I are doing... Renewing our vows,just the two of us! I maybe going a little more "all-out" than others because we didn't have a wedding/ceremony the first time, and I would like to have a day that's all about me... I've been to several weddings of my relatives and it's nothing BUT stress... There's NO WAY in H-E-double hockey sticks I'd put myself through that Grief and aggravation! My brother in law says that he was offended that we didn't invite him, and I was actually reconsidering the whole guest list thing until my husband said the brightest thing and made me feel better..."I invited the people that it matters to the most... Me, Denise & the Minister!"

So with that being said... sweetie.... you do you! That way you won't have negative interference ruining YOUR day!

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