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Jillian Harris is the new Bachelorette!!


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Originally Posted by BachataBride View Post
I have lost respect for Jillian with the whole Wes thing & I just don't think she deserves any of them. I know it's us seeing it from the outside in - but she just seems too oblivious to it all!
I totally disagree with you, not to be contrary, but we have ALL been in relationships with idiots and others have seen it and tried to tell us, but we needed to find out on our own, no one can tell you the one you are with is wrong for you and make you believe it, you have to find out on your own. He was "the bad boy" and I am sure we have all been in the situation where the bad boy was the one we wanted the most, till we figured out how wrong he was for us, bad boys have an allure that most women like, till they figure out they are just bad. I think she came to that realization on her own and that is how she needed to do it, sure someone else might still be here instead, but everything happens for a reason, maybe she is not meant to be with any of them, but she would have always wondered about Wes if she had let him go sooner and not figured out what an ass he was (I think she said that herself actually). I can't wait till she watches the show and sees what a total ass he is and how blind she was.
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Originally Posted by JulieG View Post
I think she came to that realization on her own and that is how she needed to do it, sure someone else might still be here instead, but everything happens for a reason, maybe she is not meant to be with any of them, but she would have always wondered about Wes if she had let him go sooner and not figured out what an ass he was (I think she said that herself actually). I can't wait till she watches the show and sees what a total ass he is and how blind she was.
I have to disagree with you now! lol
I don't think that she came to this realization on her own really. It's not like Wes was being "his Jillian self" this week with her. He was acting very distant, & being more like his real life self - he wasn't putting on an act this week. I personally think that he wanted to go home this week & showed it. Had he acted like he has the rest of the show with her then I'm not 100% sure he would be gone. I think it was more his choice than hers. (IMO!)
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Originally Posted by BachataBride View Post
I have to disagree with you now! lol
I don't think that she came to this realization on her own really. It's not like Wes was being "his Jillian self" this week with her. He was acting very distant, & being more like his real life self - he wasn't putting on an act this week. I personally think that he wanted to go home this week & showed it. Had he acted like he has the rest of the show with her then I'm not 100% sure he would be gone. I think it was more his choice than hers. (IMO!)
I have to AGREE with you. LMAO. You do make a good point and you are right, he totally was not himself and was being distant, because he was ready to go, I never thought about it that way.
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Originally Posted by Shandalier View Post
I agree that he was ready to go this week! What a creeper line saying, "If it's me, I'll be at home having lots of sex." What girl would want to come near him now that all of America knows he is such an ass?!
The sleazy ones!! lol
You'd be surprised the number of girls just waiting for Jillian to get rid of him so they could go after him! LOL
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The line of Wes' that pissed me off the most was "those other guys wouldn't even get a bite in Texas" Ummmmm just because you are a sleazebag whore that sleeps with any drunken excuse for a girl doesn't make you a Romeo. Those other guys are all genuine, nice, succesful guys. How are you going to support Jillian? On your Friday Night bar night pay?! Please!

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Originally Posted by cdnvb9 View Post
yep i also puked in my mouth seeing some of the things he said on their date and then especially in the limo after. What a loser. There will always be girls out there that will boost his douchebag ego-but he is scum.
I really like Reid and Ed, still not sure about Kiptyn, something is off there b/w them. She does end up happy with whoever she ends up wtih though so thats good.
LOL....You took the words right out of my mouth!!! I as well puked in my mouth wink.gif

In life there are certain people that I want to punch in the face and Wes is definitely one of them. I mean the brightest thing in this guys future will be the herpes he gets from sleeping with slutty women. That is if he doesn't have it already smile116.gif

I totally love Ed but I am starting to think that Reid is a close second. Neurotic tendencies and all, he's very real with Jillian and therefore they have good chemistry. Kipton I agree is a little off, almost fake, and he definitely isn't the commitment type.

On to next week...
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Originally Posted by Kat81 View Post
The line of Wes' that pissed me off the most was "those other guys wouldn't even get a bite in Texas" Ummmmm just because you are a sleazebag whore that sleeps with any drunken excuse for a girl doesn't make you a Romeo. Those other guys are all genuine, nice, succesful guys. How are you going to support Jillian? On your Friday Night bar night pay?! Please!
Ha! I know! Trust me, I have seen some of the raunchy girls that my guy friends have taken home in Austin. Those are the kinds of girls that I can see Wes hooking up with.
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Originally Posted by JOSIE View Post
I honestly don't get how going on the show would HELP his career? huh.gif I would never buy the CD of such an censored.gif that made me sick!!!
Bad publicity is still publicity.

My fav. Wes line of the day was on their date when they got the Fantasy Suite card. Jillian was all crying her eyes out and pissed off and he says, "well I think we should do it"!!! LOL LOL LOL! Ok buddy. Sleezeball.

I think I'm cheering on Reid now - I guess I like him the most, but honestly don't care too much. My fav. was Jake, but obviously he's gone. My heart broke for him last episode when he was crying after he talked to Jillian. sad.gif
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