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Worried about my big sis...


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First off, I am extremely worried about my sister. She is going into surgery today for her eyes. On Friday she was sent out of her home town to the "city" for emergency eye problems. Her retina is almost completely detached from her eye and today they are going to fix it. I can't imagine how worried she must feel and I am praying that what they can do for her is enough.

I hate to even progress the story because I know that the most important thing right now is her. The trouble that I am facing now is that due to the surgery she may not be able to fly. Once they get into the surgery they will know if they have to put a gas bubble in her eye, and if that is the case she may not be allowed to fly for up to 8 weeks. We are very close and one of the most important things for my wedding was to have both my sisters there. I also know how important this trip is for her and her family. It is not only the idea of the wedding but also all of enjoying a great vacation together. I just feel so bad for her. Her and her family will be the only ones not there and I can't imagine how crappy that would feel. I don't know what to do!! Everyones trip is paid for, about 5 weeks until departure and I feel totally helplesssad.gif I hope this doesn't come across as selfish - the priority right now is her surgery but I can't help but think about this in the back of my mind.

She is so important to me. I am worried about her surgery, the outcome and how disappointed she (and everyone else)would be if she can't come. That is all I can think about this morning and just needed a little vent.

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First, I hope your sister's surgery goes well. Second, you're not coming across as selfish. When FFIL was diagnosed with leukemia last year, wedding stuff was on the back of my mind. When he passed away in September, it was on the back of my mind then as well. It's an important event and you want to be able to share it with those you love.


I'm not sure if this would work, but can anything be arranged through a cruise to get her to Cuba?

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I am so sorry for what you are going through! It's completely understandable how much you want your sister at your wedding. I will keep her (and you, as well as the rest of your family) in my prayers, that she has a quick and easy recovery from her surgery!! Try to stay positive for her, I can only imagine she must be worrying about making it too. smile03.gif

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Oh wow, I hope all goes well with surgery today. It is completely normal to feel the way you do, my sister and I are super close as well.....Are you planning an AHR or anything when you get home? That might be one way to be able to celebrate with her as well when you get back. Keep us posted on the surgery today, your family will be in my prayers.

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My mom actually has the same exact detached retina issue happening right now. We are located in Baltimore so she was seen a few weeks ago by the Wilmer Eye Institue at Johns Hopkins Hospital, one of the best Hospitals in the world. Her doctor said that she will be needing to keep her head down constantly and that she will not be able to fly after surgery. This was really upseting because her and my father had already booked a site visit for Jamaica in April. However, he gave her the time frame of 4-6 weeks of not being able to fly, so she should be all recoverd by then. Maybe your sister's Dr. gave the 8 weeks as a worst case and she will end up being able to make it to the wedding. Since they are both having the same issue, and I would assume, the same surgery I would think/hope/pray that the 8 weeks is just a worst case. I will keep your sister in my prayers and I hope that she is healed and able to be there with you on your big day!

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Fudgie I know exactly how you feel. My mom had a detached retina a few years ago and was sent in for emergency surgery. So many things go through your mind! I was so worried about her. She came through the surgery beautifully but yes, the recovery is a long time (she had to sleep literally on her face for 6 weeks and always had to keep her head down when she was awake). Depending on the severity, your sister may or may not be able to fly (the gas bubble is the reasoning). I agree with Sparkles that the doctor is likely giving you "worst case scenario" news and I hope the surgery goes well....keep us posted!!

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I am so happy to say that my Sister's surgery went great! Thank you ladies for all your words and thought :) She didn't get a gas bubble (so she will be able to fly) but they did some laser work and put a band around her eye. Poor girl has to lay for 16 a day on the left side for the next two weeks.

Sparkles8300-I think the 8 weeks was the worst possible scenario. I did a little research on the internet and it said depending on what type of gas it could be anywhere from 2 weeks to 8 weeks. I hope for the best outcome for you mom, that everything goes great with the surgery and that she will be able to fly in April.

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