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Invitation Meltdown....I think I'm going to cry....

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I'm looking for your help fellow brides. I'm sure someone has run across this problem before so I"m reaching out to you guys for a solution.


So, after many painstaking hours I've created a masterpiece of a boarding pass invitation. I ordered the PERFECT paper from cutcardstock.com (which wasn't that cheap) and planned all along to have them professionally printed.


The problem lies in the fact that I used a MAC laptop to create them, and used a couple MAC fonts as well as some free fonts from dafont.com. So now, when I send the saved files to other computers to test print they don't recognize the fonts and it doesn't print right.


I planned on using staples and they said they won't be able to print them because I've used MAC fonts and other fonts.


I did save them as PDF's, but it kinds shrinks them and the proportions don't work out the same.


I'm so upset because I spent hours on them and love them EXACTLY how they are. It's throwing salt in my wounds since I had my STD's printed with my weddingannouncer website before it crashed and didn't have the technical issues resolved having to put stickers with a new site over top.


I feel like I'm going to lose it, but don't want to have wasted my valuable time and money that I've spent to find the perfect paper!








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I don't own a Mac OS either - however, i use to work for Xerox and have learned that there are some print shops (other than Staples) that may have MAC systems and can print on a high quality colour printer - I know Xerox epcifically made a printer to be Mac compatable and it is AMAZING! This was targetted for high end graphic designers etc... You may have to call around - but i know there are a few small shops around Missisauga area... you can also try Kinko's.


Not sure if this helps... good luck!



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Is there a different Staples store you could possibly try? I made my STDs with Keynote on my Mac, saved it to a PDF, emailed the file to a Staples print and copy store and they came out fine. Just a thought. I'm sorry this is happening to you sad.gif

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Something very similar happened to me! I purchased my own stock, which I love and it had a letter pressed border that I wanted to match to the graphi on my design. So I gave a sample to my graphic designer who came up with the perfect design and I had planned to get it professionally printed. Problem was I tried a few different places and either they couldn't get the colour right, they couldnt get the font to read on their program or they wanted to charge a stupid amount to print it. Finally I got frustrated and decided I would attempt a sample off my HP printer at home - and amazingly, the colour was perfect and my invitations looked perfect!


If you have a printer, try printing them yourself and see - worst thing is you waste a piece of card stock (just use a cheap piece of cardstock before using the good stuff to print). Then you can bring it it to get it cut professionally if you want. Good luck !!

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either supply the fonts to the printer and ask them to install the fonts on their Mac. If they are using a PC, buy the PC version of the font and supply that. Dafont.com fonts work on both a mac and a PC so you should be cool there.


or to avoid all of that, convert the fonts to outlines in adobe illustrator. don't have a melt down. it's not a huge deal.

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