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CANADIAN OOT BAG info...where to shop!

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I got my pashmina's from that wholesale place in NYC. I emailed them and they shipped me two dozen pashmina's express mail (I didn't even want express mail) for under $100. I think the price came out to roughly about 3 bucks or 3 something per pashmina. But the quality of them was super nice (sooo soft) and they are GIANT sized, and the color I picked was perfect.


link to a thread about them

http://www.pioneergroup27.com/ their website, sooo many colors of pashmina's to choose from, and if you are in the area I guess these guys are located in NYC's wholesale district, and sell pashmina's for like $30 bucks for a dozen.


For the temporary tattoos, we used etsy seller buttonhead, http://www.etsy.com/shop/Buttonhead?section_id=7073733 she also does pocket mirrors (and buttons). We opted for the custom design and like I said got a little cartoon drawing of the two of us, it's cute and piratey, just what we wanted (cruise ship wedding and FI is big into skulls/piratey stuff lol).


I was looking into wet bathing suit bags and found these bags on ebay that are used by parents to hold wet cloth diapers. They have them in packs and pretty cheap.. my guess is that they're like a well decorated ziploc.. i'm starting to think we should just throw a freezer sized ziploc into people's bags and label them "for your wet bathing suit" :D But then that wouldn't be in my spirit of spending now would it embarrest.gif 

I'm planning a trip to the states at the end of the month with my mama! Woohoo cheer2.gif Wedding dress shopping here we come!

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I have only tried a berry one.. which i used with water  but i have mostly drank the orange one.. i actually mix it with orange juice.. and it just tastes like a carbonated orange juice.. it is tasty! but i can't speak for the others... 

Originally Posted by MJKH View Post

Emergen-C located in Saskatoon...at Winners...actually had lots that don't expire until the end of 2013.  Check.  But I should have asked those that are the believers if there is a flavour you prefer over the others/any flavours to avoid.  They had a tropical one, lemon-lime, raspberry, acai berry, cranberry something...I think that was it.  Is it tasty to drink...like do you sip it out of a water bottle or chug it down as fast as possible?  




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Thanks for the info on the pashminas Dramatic Anne,

Do you mind if I ask how much you had to pay for shipping and duty? I live in Alberta so likely it would cost me a bit more? Silly question, are the tassles on the pashminas like looking?

The reason I ask is that I almost bought some at Le Chateau today, 20$ or 15$ but the tassles looked messy and cheap. I know there are different qualities of pashminas too.


I was at the mall and went to check out the swimsuit bags at La Vie En Rose. I would highly recommend these, nice looking, drawstring and only 1$. Photo above from one of the other brides. I decided to hold off for now as I am not sure that my guests would use them.

Originally Posted by DramaticAnnie View Post

I got my pashmina's from that wholesale place in NYC. I emailed them and they shipped me two dozen pashmina's express mail (I didn't even want express mail) for under $100. I think the price came out to roughly about 3 bucks or 3 something per pashmina. But the quality of them was super nice (sooo soft) and they are GIANT sized, and the color I picked was perfect.


link to a thread about them

http://www.pioneergroup27.com/ their website, sooo many colors of pashmina's to choose from, and if you are in the area I guess these guys are located in NYC's wholesale district, and sell pashmina's for like $30 bucks for a dozen.


For the temporary tattoos, we used etsy seller buttonhead, http://www.etsy.com/shop/Buttonhead?section_id=7073733 she also does pocket mirrors (and buttons). We opted for the custom design and like I said got a little cartoon drawing of the two of us, it's cute and piratey, just what we wanted (cruise ship wedding and FI is big into skulls/piratey stuff lol).


I was looking into wet bathing suit bags and found these bags on ebay that are used by parents to hold wet cloth diapers. They have them in packs and pretty cheap.. my guess is that they're like a well decorated ziploc.. i'm starting to think we should just throw a freezer sized ziploc into people's bags and label them "for your wet bathing suit" :D But then that wouldn't be in my spirit of spending now would it embarrest.gif 

I'm planning a trip to the states at the end of the month with my mama! Woohoo cheer2.gif Wedding dress shopping here we come!


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Hi Ladies, I think I am going to call us the Canadian Ooters...lol

I am so addicted to this stie and thread that I check this before Facebook...which is a better use of time in my mind!


Camy47 thanks for the shopping tips!


I was out shopping today, went back to BBW and for those of you going shopping today in Alberta?..not sure if their daily promos are province wide or country wide but ladies, you can always check with your local store. Promo today, spend 30$ or more and pay 20$ for this great gift bag. (70$ value)(see photos below). I was a little annoyed at myself as I was there yesterday and spent 20$. But I found enough stuff to buy 30$ worth today no problem!


I also found these cool gift bags at BBW, they have a few colors but these go with our wedding colors and tropical looking. I am using them to hold my hair fasteners for the bridesmaids and their gifts, pashmina and jewelry. Bags 2.50$each


These lanterns I know aren't for Oot bags but thought some brides who have green as a wedding color may like them. I think they look tropical, 5.99$ Shoppers' Drug Mart.

Question for you ladies? I like the turquoise ones for me but not sure if it will be a pain to plug them in at our outdoor reception at the resort....thoughts? I didn't buy them for now.


In the photos below, I included the tumbler glasses (plastic) that I bought at Superstore for 5$ each a couple weeks ago. I thought these would be easier to pack too as I can stack them one inside the other. Thoughts? They can be use for hot or cold drinks so I figured they would still be good!

The Chicken soup for the soul for women I got at dollarama!


Side note, all stores are having their sales on dresses right now! I bought a nice black one at Cleo....I store I thought more for my mom but all dresses 30% off...a lot at Sears too 30% off


Tip for Canadian Teachers, RW Company is having a promo for teachers starting Aug 11 to 28th , you get 25% off with your teacher association card!!! So I am holding off to get a back to school outfit and maybe another sundress. There, done, need to put my wallet away!



gift bags.jpg   bag2


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I like those turquoise lanterns, but we're getting married on a cruise ship and decorations are none to minimal.. but I would so grab them for our AHR, and later use them for at the house! :)


The pashmina tassles.. hmm they are packed away right now but they aren't cheap looking at all.. very luxurious feel to them I thought. More silky then cottony if that makes sense. Their shipping charge cost almost as much as the pashmina's themselves I think, no duty. The box is a heavy box but they shipped it express and had a tracking number and everything, I got the sense that their english wasn't the best but if I were to order again I'd definetely ask for the cheapest shipping option they could find. I think the US has these 'flat rate' boxes for shipping stuff. I will have to look into those more as I am planning to mail stuff from Maine to Florida.


Oh and someone asked where to get flip flop manicure sets - I got mine through Hautelook, they are Kate Aspen ones (you can google Kate Aspen Flip Flop manicure set to find a picture) they are cute and pink and black, but Avon has some mini pedicure flip flop sets on sale for $3.99 right now, they are like a denim color with pink accent, really cute too.


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Thanks Annie.... I am so nervous about ordering online for quality but a referral from a fellow BDW bride makes me feel so much better!!!!


As for the bags, I think we will throw a few large ziplocs and a few sandwich sized ones in everyones bags for their liquids, lotions etc. on the way home!!! I usually keep my lotions in one (or a fancy zipper travel case) in my beach bag for by the pool so may be a nice idea!!!!  I remember other brides mentioning it was something that was actually used in their bags!

Originally Posted by DramaticAnnie View Post

I got my pashmina's from that wholesale place in NYC. I emailed them and they shipped me two dozen pashmina's express mail (I didn't even want express mail) for under $100. I think the price came out to roughly about 3 bucks or 3 something per pashmina. But the quality of them was super nice (sooo soft) and they are GIANT sized, and the color I picked was perfect.


link to a thread about them

http://www.pioneergroup27.com/ their website, sooo many colors of pashmina's to choose from, and if you are in the area I guess these guys are located in NYC's wholesale district, and sell pashmina's for like $30 bucks for a dozen.


For the temporary tattoos, we used etsy seller buttonhead, http://www.etsy.com/shop/Buttonhead?section_id=7073733 she also does pocket mirrors (and buttons). We opted for the custom design and like I said got a little cartoon drawing of the two of us, it's cute and piratey, just what we wanted (cruise ship wedding and FI is big into skulls/piratey stuff lol).


I was looking into wet bathing suit bags and found these bags on ebay that are used by parents to hold wet cloth diapers. They have them in packs and pretty cheap.. my guess is that they're like a well decorated ziploc.. i'm starting to think we should just throw a freezer sized ziploc into people's bags and label them "for your wet bathing suit" :D But then that wouldn't be in my spirit of spending now would it embarrest.gif 

I'm planning a trip to the states at the end of the month with my mama! Woohoo cheer2.gif Wedding dress shopping here we come!


I have to be honest I would be too worried they wouldn't be able to get them plugged in, what if they needed an extension cord etc.  You can get the lanterns individually and just get the battery operated tea lights, then they can go anywhere and no worries about plugging them in!!!!

Originally Posted by amjohnson View Post

Oops forgot to post photos of lanterns-plug ins. Please let me know if you think it will be too much of a pain to get them plugged in outdoors at the resort. Thanks!

green lights.jpg








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Just a note for the Vistaprint lovers, I found this out on another thread, if you save the Vista emails you can go back in and use them later... even after they say they expire!!!! I always save the good ones that have all the free stuff, like the one that is on this week!!! Just thought I would share this with ya ladies!!!


On another note, I have been trying to make an Oriental Trading Company order online for like 2 weeks, having nothing but trouble and being told I cannot order those items ( flip flop cards, flip flop notepads, Maraca Pens, Mr & Mrs Luggage tags, Wrist coils, Tote Bags, Assorted Tropical Fish Toys, and a number of Construction related items for my son's birthday). Turns out I was trying to order too much at once and no one could figure it out. But just to let everyone in that may not be aware, us lucky Canadian ladies get slammed with shipping!!!! I love the stuff and didn't have the patience to shop around so i paid it, but will definitely not be telling my FH how much shipping was blink.gif

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I'm still getting to know VP and all they have to offer...so is the offer that is out this week one of the best you've seen?  Or does it ever get any better (i.e., free shipping for Canadians)?  Am I right that you are only allowed 10 free things per order?  I'm also wanted to know if there if more of a strategy to this (i.e., to save on shipping, order all the big things together and all the smaller things together)?

Originally Posted by kya101 View Post

Just a note for the Vistaprint lovers, I found this out on another thread, if you save the Vista emails you can go back in and use them later... even after they say they expire!!!! I always save the good ones that have all the free stuff, like the one that is on this week!!! Just thought I would share this with ya ladies!!!


On another note, I have been trying to make an Oriental Trading Company order online for like 2 weeks, having nothing but trouble and being told I cannot order those items ( flip flop cards, flip flop notepads, Maraca Pens, Mr & Mrs Luggage tags, Wrist coils, Tote Bags, Assorted Tropical Fish Toys, and a number of Construction related items for my son's birthday). Turns out I was trying to order too much at once and no one could figure it out. But just to let everyone in that may not be aware, us lucky Canadian ladies get slammed with shipping!!!! I love the stuff and didn't have the patience to shop around so i paid it, but will definitely not be telling my FH how much shipping was blink.gif


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YES you can save those "free" emails and go back to the links in them later - however much later (I have been using the same one for months.. if you never click any of their new emails, you'll always have your free pricing) you can still get the same deals! And yes, you are limited to 10 free things in each order. I have ordered pens, sticky notes, banners large and small, mugs, hats (the hats are kinda small, ok if they're free but I wouldn't pay for them), tshirts, notepads, mousepads, note books, keychains, lawn signs, car door magnets, small tote bags, regular magnets, postcards large and regular sized (I made wedding bookmarks out of the large size postcards), posters, stamps galore, and you can upload like a logo onto a stamp.. it doesn't have to be just text, and they come out really nice. I have mastered the art of free items on vistaprint. You will never get free shipping UNLESS you're BUYING stuff and they have those promotions that are like.. buy 40$ worth of stuff and get free shipping. If you're only going for the freebies, which I do now, you'll always have to pay some kind of shipping. Go with the slowest (cheapest) option - they almost always 'ship early' anyway. Items have their own shipping rate - like I've noticed besides the obvious items like lawn signs that come with their own metal stand thing you stick in the ground.. stamps have a big shipping fee on them. But seriously, if you go to Staples or anywhere to order a custom stamp it's going to be like, $25 at least, and that's about how much I pay for shipping 10 items. The boxes are huge, I've bought lawn signs and large banners for a non-profit dance that I help organize every year, and a couple of years ago we paid over 200 dollars to get two large outdoor banners that we got our logo printed on.. now I can get these free from vistaprint, so this year we made new ones, put "welcome to the 5th annual" on there, lots of stuff. I've even ordered stuff for my work and one order came to like 80 bucks with fast shipping, plus I paid for a couple of things but with everything I got it would have cost literally hundreds to get custom printed at a print shop. I mean come on, where else is going to print you a single tshirt that you customize yourself, for free (pay for shipping). Some places wouldn't even do a single shirt, there has to be a minimum order or they're all the same, or whatever. I have vistaprint tshirts that have "Cruising with our friends Annie & Blaine on their Carnival Dream Wedding!" on there, along with the person's name, their role in the wedding if they are part of the wedding party, plus "April 2012". Free~ Some people feel ripped off by the shipping but take it from someone who has ordered many a printed item for my work as well as for that annual dance I was talking about, and this site is awesomeness.

Originally Posted by MJKH View Post

I'm still getting to know VP and all they have to offer...so is the offer that is out this week one of the best you've seen?  Or does it ever get any better (i.e., free shipping for Canadians)?  Am I right that you are only allowed 10 free things per order?  I'm also wanted to know if there if more of a strategy to this (i.e., to save on shipping, order all the big things together and all the smaller things together)?



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