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CANADIAN OOT BAG info...where to shop!

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Awesome...I will be checking out my Winners tomorrow:)

Originally Posted by Manda123 View Post

I was in Winners today and saw that they had Emergen-C drink powder mixes. These are great to restore electolytes after a long night of drinking (or for people who are feeling under the weather). I was orginally thinking of ordering some individual gatorade powders from ebay but this is a better deal! They were 15.99 for 30 packets. They were in the exercise section.


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Hmmm...well the Advil Night I bought at Shoppers on sale for $3.99 and there were coupons hanging next to them for $4 off any size...and they let me buy 16 boxes I think in one transaction which was a miracle.  Every time I go to use a coupon somewhere I hold my breath...'cause it just all depends on who is ringing you in that day!  Websaver.ca and gocoupons.ca are good resources...and with the Imodium coupon, I just started searching online, only to find that the company had one on its' website for $2.  The Puffs coupons were in that extra flyer that come with our paper on a fairly regular basis.  As I see relevant coupons and discounts (such as those for Old Navy, etc), I'll try to link them into this thread if people are interested...?

Originally Posted by Manda123 View Post

Your stuff looks great! Where do you find all of your coupons for meds, etc.?



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I LOVE Emergen- C !! it is fantastic stuff!!!! and you can get it at walmart, and most grocery stores in the pharmacy section..  We are putting the fruit punch flavor emergen c in our OOT bags :)

Originally Posted by Manda123 View Post

I was in Winners today and saw that they had Emergen-C drink powder mixes. These are great to restore electolytes after a long night of drinking (or for people who are feeling under the weather). I was orginally thinking of ordering some individual gatorade powders from ebay but this is a better deal! They were 15.99 for 30 packets. They were in the exercise section.


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That would be great! Pass em along if you see them!


Originally Posted by MJKH View Post

Hmmm...well the Advil Night I bought at Shoppers on sale for $3.99 and there were coupons hanging next to them for $4 off any size...and they let me buy 16 boxes I think in one transaction which was a miracle.  Every time I go to use a coupon somewhere I hold my breath...'cause it just all depends on who is ringing you in that day!  Websaver.ca and gocoupons.ca are good resources...and with the Imodium coupon, I just started searching online, only to find that the company had one on its' website for $2.  The Puffs coupons were in that extra flyer that come with our paper on a fairly regular basis.  As I see relevant coupons and discounts (such as those for Old Navy, etc), I'll try to link them into this thread if people are interested...?



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Is the winners price much of a deal?

Originally Posted by luvmoo View Post

I LOVE Emergen- C !! it is fantastic stuff!!!! and you can get it at walmart, and most grocery stores in the pharmacy section..  We are putting the fruit punch flavor emergen c in our OOT bags :)



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Hi Ladies,


Just got back from visiting family in Windsor and Ottawa this past week so I hope that I am not too late in posting this for you all......as I would hate for ppl to miss out on this one.


I bought Wet Bikini Bags for my wedding party off of AVON a while ago but figured I should probably get some more for my guests however they were no longer available.  But low and behold I am shopping at LaVie en Rose and what do I find?  Blue and white wet bikini bags for only $1.00 Each!!!!!  They are super cute and such a nice material - nothing is going to leak from these little guys.  I bought twenty of them and they had a whole lot more in boxes in the back.  They said they were clearing them out - so if you need them - call first and go and get them bc they are super cute and such a great, light wieght gift to put in the OOT bags..  I bought them when I was in Windsor, but I am assuming any LaVie en Rose will have them??


Hope this helps!!




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I love these bags, I saw them at my Dollarama and they're quite nice. It's frustrating because I don't know how many people are comming yet so I can't start my OOT bags! I wonder if they'll have something similar next year before April...might be too early.

Originally Posted by MJKH View Post

I meant to add this here too...the actual OOT bags (from Dollarama):




The larger ones (below) will be used for our parents, wedding party attendants, and my girlfriends...





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Wow, the posts I come back to after a long weekend AWAY!!!!!!  Sorry Ladies, this is going to be a long one!!!!


Thanks luvmoo, I think I will just hold off until we cross the boarder again (I am sorry you cant get across but glad you found the ebay deal) as they are a little cheaper and since we are going anyways I should practise my patience!!!


Originally Posted by luvmoo View Post

Hey Tori, 

I wasn't able to fid the individual shout packs anywhere here in Canada.. Soo i went on an ebay search and found one guy who sold me 5 boxes of them for 5.67 a box, and then 6.00 shipping for all of them... so maybe check and see if you can get a good deal on ebay.. I am not going over the boarder at all before the wedding so this was my only option if i wanted them in the bags.. 


Also.. i went to the dollarstore ( i heart dollarama lol) as i was looking for more advil.. of course they did not have any, BUT!!!! they had mentos.. on for 2 for 1$, and they don't expire until 2013! soo i bought 2 cases of mentos and i will put one pack of mentos in each bag..  I thought that was a nice find :)

*sigh still on the search for my last 15 bottles of advil hahaha.. 



Great finds Natalie!!!!!! The tide hanging pockets are cool!! We have a rexall here but I have never been in.... off there this afternoon!!

Originally Posted by Natalie2012 View Post

I also found these...they were only $1.50 for 3 at Rexall Pharmacy....thought they were kinda neat...I am thinking of attaching them to the badge holders...all the diffferent food we r eating someone is bound to have bad breath and may need that quick shot of mint...lol:)




Tide scented hanging pendents...Thought these would be good for the closests or drawers...again from Rexall on sale $2.00 for 6..SDC10112.JPG


They also have these at the dollarstore but $0.99 is cheaper than $1 LOL

Originally Posted by Natalie2012 View Post

I also found these at Rexall for .99...Just in case I don't have enough of the ones I bought at Michaels....not as cute and colorful but will do for last minute bookers:)SDC10113.JPG


First off WOW MJKH way too go!!!!! You should do an OOT planning thread of your own to share with everyone!!!!


For your flower girl cover ups I think you should embroider "Flower Girl" as opposed to their names as I hate to see children carrying or wearing anything with their names as it is an open invitation for strangers to address them by name which is just confusing to kids and makes me nervous! Thats just my suggestion - I'm a little crazy like that!!!

Originally Posted by MJKH View Post

So, I took a bunch of pictures this morning because I'm going to pack everything up that we have so far and move it to the basement for storage.  My FI and I are going to Europe for the month of September, and I need to switch focus from wedding stuff to trip stuff (as promised!).  All of our written/printed materials will be winter projects I think...but I'm just glad I started shopping early to catch "warm weather stuff" while it's in season/on clearance.


These little photo albums were $2.99 at Superstore and are covered in woven straw.  We'll keep the plastic covers on until they go into the bags, but you get the idea.  You can put a little photo in the front cover...which we'll do...and use the book for our welcome letter, maps, schedules, photo sharing info, etc.




My FI's daughter will be turning 17 the day we arrive in Mexico (Jan 29/12).  Her OOT bag will include a pretty beach towel with her name embroidered on it (Homesense $14.99) and a water bottle (Superstore $1.94):



The flower girls will be getting a towel with their name embroidered (Homesense $14.99), a small water bottle (Superstore $1.44), a terry cover-up with their name embroidered...or "flower girl" perhaps (Target $9.99) as well as a Timex watch (Target $14.99).  These are their thank-you gifts as well:




These will go into the flower girls' bags...the foam disk and jumping ropes were on clearance at Superstore, and the deck of cards are from Dollarama ($1):




Something extra for the nephews...foam disk (Superstore clearance) and cards from Dollarama:



I'm going to put the rest of the pics in another post...just in case I screw this up!


I am so impressed with you couponing!!!!!!!! I never here CANADIAN coupon successes so this is great!!!


I have to ask... what is CAA? I like the Woolite 10 packs and would love to pick some up but maybe we dont have a CAA here?!


The dry shampoo is AMAZING I love that stuff, will have to head to winners/homesense to see if I can pick some up!

Originally Posted by MJKH View Post

More adult OOT bag stuff...


The Advil nighttime were pretty much free (paid taxes only) from couponing, the advil and tylenol were from Dollarama, the waterproof bandaids were on sale at Superstore for $2.49 a box and will be divided up...the two pack of Purell (for my MIL 'cause she doesn't like strong scents) was $1.50 at Superstore, the asprin was around $1.80 at Superstore and the antiseptic wipes/bug bite wipes were free from my family doc.




The cheapest place I found the 3 pack of Tide (for the sink) was Shoppers Drug Mart and the Woolite is a pack of 10 from CAA for $4.60 which will be divided up...




Chapstick (Dollarama $2) and Blistex ($1.25) both with SPF, Tums from Superstore...




For my girlfriends' bags, mini dry shampoo (around $3 a piece at Winners and Homesense)...I've never used it but they love it...and some lip stuff from Bath and Body Works ($2 on sale)...



These mini travel candles were on clearance at B&BWorks for $1 each!  I also bought the cute boxes of matches like Tori at Dollarama...but it looks like we won't be able to take them on the plane : (




These pocketbac hand sanitizers were .50 each and the holders to clip them around a bag strap were .05 each!  You girls in the US got it made!  I was in Washington visiting my cousins over the July 4th holiday, and it was a great time to catch deals...




Here is some of the stuff that will go into the larger kits for the bridal suite and our mothers...the Off! I got for $2.99 each with coupons, the card decks, scissors and glue stick were from Dollarama ($1 each) as well as the Poly to Go ($2)...and, just in case someone needs ear plugs (as I do sometimes), we picked up the earplugs from Dollarama ($1).




This is travel size stuff that I just bought for myself that I was excited about...I'm kicking myself now for not buying more of the wisp disposable toothbrushes from Dollarama ($1).  They'll be great on long flights...




And, what we're still waiting for is a shipment from Minimus with other OTC med stuff, nail polish remover wipes, small eco/bamboo heal scrubbers and nail files...I'll post a pic in a few weeks when I get it from my SIL.  They live in a border town in Manitoba and I had the stuff sent to a border shipping service about 20 minutes from them in North Dakota.  They hold the package for a small fee ($3) until you pick it up.  Saved me a lot of money on shipping!  I'm also waiting for the bamboo pashminas from FashionUnic and my waterproof key/money holders from ebay (I bought the bracelets from Wal-Mart too).  Oh...and my first shipment from Vistaprint should be here next week...




I used the flat labels (full label sheets 8.5 x 11) but you could use packing tape to "seal" them making them water proof AND shiny.  We did this for the water bottle labels for my girlfriends wedding last weekend and it works great!!!!!

Originally Posted by DramaticAnnie View Post

Everything looks awesome! I want those passport covers, I went to three different Michael's' looking for those lil sewing kits and did not see the passport covers at all. Eek!

I have all my aloe from Avon and all my chapstick, and I have been working on putting labels on stuff like the dollarama first aid kits - what sort of label have you guys been using for your chapstick? When I print on a regular label its like.. I dunno.. too matte for my liking? I want something shiny but I don't want a clear label - does this exist? lol



Check out ebay, amazon and other online sites like OT and such.  They have passport covers too!!!


Also the dollar store had them for $1, I think I may have posted it awhile back but they are in the section with the headphones, CDs etc!

Originally Posted by DramaticAnnie View Post

Booo i just called the local michaels and they dont have any left :( and the next closest michaels is like 5 hours away, lol. My budget does not allow for spontaneous road trips for passport covers. Are you guys looking to get one for each guest? I don't think any of those colors were very manly.. so maybe only the women would want them.. hum.. oh well. No passport covers for me this time around. Too bad you can't order from their website.


I saw someone post the cheapest place they found the Tide sink packets was at Shoppers drug mart - how much were they there?



I never thoguht of emergen-C but think I may add it to our bags 1 gatorade 1 emergen-c each person!

Originally Posted by Manda123 View Post

I was in Winners today and saw that they had Emergen-C drink powder mixes. These are great to restore electolytes after a long night of drinking (or for people who are feeling under the weather). I was orginally thinking of ordering some individual gatorade powders from ebay but this is a better deal! They were 15.99 for 30 packets. They were in the exercise section.


I would LOVE to get all your couponing tips!!!! Maybe you should start a MJKH couponing thread and let us know so we can follow you in there!!!!!!

Originally Posted by MJKH View Post

Hmmm...well the Advil Night I bought at Shoppers on sale for $3.99 and there were coupons hanging next to them for $4 off any size...and they let me buy 16 boxes I think in one transaction which was a miracle.  Every time I go to use a coupon somewhere I hold my breath...'cause it just all depends on who is ringing you in that day!  Websaver.ca and gocoupons.ca are good resources...and with the Imodium coupon, I just started searching online, only to find that the company had one on its' website for $2.  The Puffs coupons were in that extra flyer that come with our paper on a fairly regular basis.  As I see relevant coupons and discounts (such as those for Old Navy, etc), I'll try to link them into this thread if people are interested...?



WOW!!!!! Amazing deal, I wont be near a la vie en rose until next weekend but I hope they still have them!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Jennybell1 View Post

Hi Ladies,


Just got back from visiting family in Windsor and Ottawa this past week so I hope that I am not too late in posting this for you all......as I would hate for ppl to miss out on this one.


I bought Wet Bikini Bags for my wedding party off of AVON a while ago but figured I should probably get some more for my guests however they were no longer available.  But low and behold I am shopping at LaVie en Rose and what do I find?  Blue and white wet bikini bags for only $1.00 Each!!!!!  They are super cute and such a nice material - nothing is going to leak from these little guys.  I bought twenty of them and they had a whole lot more in boxes in the back.  They said they were clearing them out - so if you need them - call first and go and get them bc they are super cute and such a great, light wieght gift to put in the OOT bags..  I bought them when I was in Windsor, but I am assuming any LaVie en Rose will have them??


Hope this helps!!





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