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Fabulous idea! Very classy and more economical than bags. The boxes are cheaper, shipping to the location will be cheaper, and I won't have to spend so much money trying to fill them up. I was very concerned about what to put in the bags to make them look full. This solves a lot of issues. Thanks for sharing! I love the way you dressed the boxes up, by the way.


Patourn: I plan to have one box/bag per couple and may double up on a few items. Of course, each single person will have their own box/bag.

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Originally Posted by Patourn View Post
What an amazing idea!!! Think that there may be a few of us jumping on your band wagon. I have a quick question for you ladies. When are you giving out your OOT bags, and did you do 1 per person or 1 per couple?
Also have any of you out there made any up for childrenhuh.gif

Patourn - My FI and I are planning on giving out OOT bags at our welcome dinner since everyone will be there for that. We are giving out one bag/box per couple. The couple will get double of certain things (snacks and stuff) and any singles will get the same stuff, just not as much. We donâ€t have any children but I would think candy and toys would work depending on the age. I heard of another bride on here putting water guns in the OOT bags. Maybe that or some other water game/toy. Or maybe you can give kids an OOT bucket and pail instead of the bag/box.
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I love this idea.. Great job... I am not having a welcome dinner and I am concerned about getting my OOT Boxes to the DR.. I am not sure if it will cost me more to ship them or pack a heavy suitcase. I may just mail them before hand... not sure.. any ideas?

But I love it alll. I will be including immodium AD for those that may get sick

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