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Poll: Which hair colour for wedding


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So I am a natural Brunette. But my FI and I met when I was a blond. I cannot decide if I want to have brown or blond hair for our wedding. So please give me some perspective on this!


I am just over concerned I think ... an acquaintance of mine had her hair bleach blond for her wedding, even though she went back to brown pretty quickly afterwards. I find her pictures look tacky. I am afraid of that happening...


But, I have an amazing colourist that I trust with my life...



I like the look of hair flowers in blond haird more.

Picture of me as a blond

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I love the idea of being a dark, pocahantas like bride.

our engagement party picture

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ahh dilemmas...


Any advice?smile03.gif

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I think I like you brown better. Have you thought of doing blonde highlights in your hair? If you plan to have your hair curly during your wedding, apprently the curls stand out much more if they have highlights. And then you can have it both ways! I have also been both blonde and brown and I plan to get highlights for the wedding. I hope this helps, good luck!

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I like the sandy blonde with a tan and on the beach. SInce your wedding is in the summer you can get away with it.


I usually go lighter in summer and darker in winter but that is just me.


Does your FI have a preference? DH always wants me blonde!

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He doesn't really have a preference.

My wallet likes me a brunette wink.gif

But my sex-kitten likes me as a blonde!


My hair is much healthier now that I do not have highlights or die in it though.

But I just feel sexier as a blond you know?...

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do you know how you're styling your hair for the wedding? Up...down...curly....straight? I think brunette is going to look better unless you go with really beachy hair (in which case I think you should at least get it streaked).

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