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Wedding planning for me is boring at this time...

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Hi Ladies!


My wedding is not until Next June, 2008, but i find myself bored! I am trying to find things i can do like i called Yesica to see when we can start talking about food...and i talked to my wedding coordinator about when we can start dicussing flowers...they both said it's a little too early to start talking about that stuff.. I am in the process of taking care of my photographer's deposit....gave my wedding coordinator & the company who's designing my std's a deposit..... so now i have nothing to do....boo! Am i only the one alone on this suject?? lol! ..... Sorry for the rambling...




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heck no!!! I am not even engaged and have an idea of almost everything i want and cant do. So do what do gather ideas and help the soon to be wed brides get there stuff together because each time one gets married then that makes it closer to your time and you feel useful. Jump in chick and get to helpin before you know it it will be your turn to stress


Long but I hope it helped:O)

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I have had moments like that too. But when I feel like I want to do something about the wedding, but really can't because it's too early, I just start looking at bridal stuff--- dresses, flowers, decor, etc.... just to get the ideas going. Also, I put together a scrapbook of wedding ideas---- I cut out pictures from magazines, etc... It's really helped me start to recognize patterns when I had previously felt like I was getting visually assaulted by all the wedding images- for example, I cut out pictures of dresses and I noticed after the first few pages that the almost 90% of the dresses were V-neck style. This gives me an idea to start with when the time comes for dress shopping.

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Originally Posted by brandy '08 View Post
Hi Ladies!

My wedding is not until Next June, 2008, but i find myself bored! I am trying to find things i can do like i called Yesica to see when we can start talking about food...and i talked to my wedding coordinator about when we can start dicussing flowers...they both said it's a little too early to start talking about that stuff.. I am in the process of taking care of my photographer's deposit....gave my wedding coordinator & the company who's designing my std's a deposit..... so now i have nothing to do....boo! Am i only the one alone on this suject?? lol! ..... Sorry for the rambling...

Brandy - consider yourself lucky! Having too much time is much better than not enough time! Here are some things you can start working on (things I wish I had started before now):

- Build your website!!!!! (That's a good one to start now and make really in-depth for your guests)
- Research different readings for your ceremony
- Do your research: look at different color set-ups, bouquets, centerpieces, dresses, shoes, arches/chuppahs, general decorations. That way when you coordinator tells you it's time you already have it all figured out!
- Start compiling your guestlist - names, addresses, significant others, etc.
- Build your budget!

OK... so start on that and come back when you're bored again wink.gif
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Pssssh!! Its not too early!! My wedding is in May '08, and I've been actively planning (read: sadly addicted) since last year... and that's when I thought my wedding was going to be in November '08!! I agree, it's better to have way too much time, than too little. You can work on your theme and colour choices, and it'll make your choices a lot easier to make. Think about DIY projects you might want to do. Are you doing Save the Dates? I've sent mine out already (just last week).

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Thanks girls for your reply. I have been looking at dresses, centerpieces shoes and everything you can think of. I have a folder...i seperated it into sections and i have lots of ideas for each section, but i am already bored with that! I have made a guest list, but i didn't start my wedding website...ooops! I should get on the ball with that. I am sure i will find myself changing my mind on things, so i better not complain just yet..






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Just to prepare you there may be a second wave of boredom. I did kinda what you did and had tons done before we were engaged. Now that we are 7 months away we are just waiting to see how many guests are coming. I can't do any of the fun stuff I want (like OOT bags) until I know how many people are coming. It's killing me!!smile27.gif

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I reeeeeaaaaalllly want the fun part to begin! I want to go dress shopping, look for bridesmaid dresses and buy all the cute bridal stuff. I'm afraid that if i do lots of things now, then i will be really bored in months to come.




My beautiful Kids!

Jaden & Makenzie

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Brandy I want to squeeze their cheeks, your kids are the cutest!! smile159.gif


We only gave ourselves about 9 months for the planning so I never had the chance to be totally bored. I agree with Kash, work on that website and getting everyone's addresses together. Actually anything that requires you getting people's cooperation/input, start on now. Other people slow you down man!!! You're lucky in that you have tons of time to dream and see how you can work those dreams into the budget. Watch the wedding shows, look at the magazines, google everything. Trust me that's the best part of planning!

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