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Check out the threads in the music forums...there's definitely every combo of songs possible! It seems that most people choose more classic songs for the processional, and then something a little more upbeat for the recessional. That being said, some people do really fun songs for both, or classics for both!


What songs are you considering currently? Maybe we can help you nail your decisions down. Definitely don't stress about it though, at a destination wedding, anything goes!

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Thanks binzer! I see you're from Victoria too - small world :) Hopefully you're in AZ right now as it is SNOWING today. Ughh.


As far as classical goes, I really like Paaschendale's Canon in D. I also would really like to incorporate Somewhere over the Rainbow - the version from 50 First Dates. But even with those 2 I feel like there might be a clash...what do you think?

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Are you thinking of both of those as processionals, or SotR as recessional? Those two selections are probably the most common on these boards, so you can't go wrong! I would either use SotR as a bridesmaid processional, and then Canon as yours, or do Canon as a processional for the bridesmaids AND you, and then do SotR as a recessional.


The O'Neill Brothers do a pretty version of Canon in D (they have an album called "A Day to Remember: Music for Your Beach Wedding). The easiest way to sample it is to just do a search on the iTunes store.


Good luck! Any other songs you are considering?

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We haven't had snow out in Sidney yet today, just rain. Is the snow sticking in town? I work in Sidney and live in Victoria.


We used an acoustic guitar version (Acoustic Wedding CD ~ Top Wedding Songs Ceremony Music Downloads Guitar) of Air on a G String and Ave Maria for our processionals (BM & Me). We then used Somewhere Over the Rainbow for the signing of the documents and Better Together, Jack Johnson for the Recessional. I figured if I kept everything, modern or classic, to a guitar/banjo type feel it would all flow. Our guests loved our music selection and thought it was perfect.


Do what you want to do and I'm sure everything will be perfect.



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That sounds sooo nice!!! Just listened to the guitar version of Air on a G String and I am in love with it. All of those songs sound so great together and I think you're right - doing the guitar/banjo theme works well regardless of whether the songs are classical or modern. Thanks sooo much!!


The snow didn't stick (thank goodness) but it was CHILLY today!!

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I'm not in Victoria right now, and I'm kinda happy since it sounds pretty gross! The town always falls apart when it snows too; no one knows how to drive in it :S


Sounds like you have your songs pretty much sorted now...I guess I should work on mine! It's really not as easy decision is it?

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I'm not in Victoria right now, and I'm kinda happy since it sounds pretty gross! The town always falls apart when it snows too; no one knows how to drive in it :S


Sounds like you have your songs pretty much sorted now...I guess I should work on mine! It's really not as easy decision is it?

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