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Ack! 1st Wedding "Freakout"


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oh honey, you are NOT alone! i have been struggling with our stupid invites (because i'm a graphic designer, so i feel like everyone will expect them to be amazing, and they are a hot mess!) ... not to mention, i expected to have them out MONTHS ago (we didn't do STDs because we were going to send invites early, LOL). i just vented about this in the "confessions" thread, and just had a good cry over it with my fiance (or in front of him rather ... he didn't know what to say).


so since not even invites are done, i feel like i have NOTHING done. then i go to the "may 2009 brides" thread and i see all the stuff that everyone has accomplished already and i feel like a procrastinating piece of crap. i'm terrified to make a list and see how much i have to do! i too have been trying to be super laid-back, and i think maybe i took it too far? i mean how is all this stuff supposed to get donehuh.gif?


and i'm fat and un-tan too. *sigh*


good call on the wine ... gotta get me some of that! LOL

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JaimeLynn... I hope that you are feeling better... You & I are not only date twins, but we are both getting married in the PV area. Additionally, I'm going thru the same things that you are... all the wedding planning stuff, plus all the superficial things (minus the tan) msnwink.gif


Thanks for posting this and thanks to all responses! You ladies rock!


Big hug for ya smile03.gif

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Originally Posted by mummergirl View Post
oh honey, you are NOT alone! i have been struggling with our stupid invites (because i'm a graphic designer, so i feel like everyone will expect them to be amazing, and they are a hot mess!) ... not to mention, i expected to have them out MONTHS ago (we didn't do STDs because we were going to send invites early, LOL). i just vented about this in the "confessions" thread, and just had a good cry over it with my fiance (or in front of him rather ... he didn't know what to say).

and i'm fat and un-tan too. *sigh*

good call on the wine ... gotta get me some of that! LOL
hijacked.gif The invites DON"T need to be perfect but I understand cause I thought mine were just ok and got a bunch of calls and texts saying they were awesome. Just remember people really don't focus on teh invite all that much. It's US that do!

Also.. your ticker says you lost 24 lbs!!! that's amazing.
hijacked.gif now over.
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Jamie! Don't worry, everything will be just fine! And what you're going through is totally normal! Just get yourself a nice case of wine and expect that you're going to have these days. And you'll also have some of those "I've got everything under control days".


Weddings are heavy on the emotions, and you'll have lots of highs and lows, but you'll get through them all.


If you need anything, just ask!

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Originally Posted by becks View Post
Jamie! Don't worry, everything will be just fine! And what you're going through is totally normal! Just get yourself a nice case of wine and expect that you're going to have these days. And you'll also have some of those "I've got everything under control days".

Weddings are heavy on the emotions, and you'll have lots of highs and lows, but you'll get through them all.

If you need anything, just ask!
Ha, I love the CASE of wine suggestion!

Jamie, definitely not alone in this one. I'm not freaking out yet but wedding stuff is definitely consuming all my time and energy lately. I totally agree with the idea of the check list - take some from here and make your own. Every time you cross something off you'll feel better.

As far as the tan, weight, etc. That is not really as superficial as it sounds, wanting to look perfect on the big day is a HUGE stresser. If not, why would we spend so much time on finding the perfect dress and hairstyle? I feel like my last 10 lbs. will never come off and if I got any paler I'd get lost in all the snow here.

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I just saw this Jamie!!! I am glad you are feeling better..


I have had random freak outs ever since we got engaged. They range from WTF am I doing getting married.. to I have sooo much to do and noone will help me.. to no reason at all, just because I am feeling emotional. And mind you, I am not usually an emotional girl; but wedding planning seems to have brought it out in me!

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Jamie! I am sorry I missed this thread last night! we could have had freak outs together!


Yesterday I was excited because we were exactly 2 months away! Today though I noticed my ticker is now UNDER 2 months! AAAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!!!


What do you have left to do? do you need help with anything?! LET ME KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!


I think the only thing that is stressing me out at the moment is that even though our RSVP date was OVER a month ago we STILL have people booking!!!!!!! that is starting to get on my last nerve! censored.gif


I haven't took my dress to get altered yet...I keep telling myself that I am going to lose 5 pounds before I do that but those are just not coming off as they should!


Last weekend I had my bpics, shower and bachelorette party and all of that was a bit overwhelming!


I know it is hard but just try to relax and enjoy every minute! (well that is what I keep telling myself anyway!) sad.gif sad but true that it will all be over before we know it!!!!!!!!! (well the wedding stuff but then we will both begin our lives with those fab new hubby's!)



smile03.gif hang in there it will all work out just fine!

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Thanks again ladies!


its funny how those of us who have been trying to be super chill and laid-back are now freaking out! well, not funny but ya know... cheesy.gif


becks - a case of wine sounds like an excellent plan! Last night we were out of our "normal" stock and I almost broke into the cellar wine - LOL (ended up finding some regular chardonnay tucked away tho)


thanks for all of your shared experiences and support/advice! totally helps! still feeling kinda shaky today (just got a LOT going on) but am doing better on the wedding front at least!

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