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Bridesmaid warfare


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I can understand being sweet to them and making them feel guilty but I know I couldn't do it lol I'd email and tell them you're sick of getting grief for something you aren't involve in because they are acting their shoe size and not their age and its off lol I'd proper spit my dummy out.


I don't think i'm having a one if it makes you feel any better lol mostly because all of my friends hate each other! and can't be arsed to do anything so i've said screw em and i'm doing NOTHING lol

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Oh wow...that's horrible...I am having the same problem except my bridal shower hostesses are in a big fight over who is bossing who around for my shower. It is so ridiculous. I am just staying out of it all and I told them I don't care if they hate each other. They better act like they love each other in front of me and they better not ruin my day!

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Hmmm.. I could go either way on this one.


Personally, I would send them all a very blunt email telling them that you know what has been going on and it's unacceptable. If they can't get along then they don't have be in the wedding party and you will go without one. So, get their act together and stop being children.


But if I were to give someone advice about what I feel they should do; I agree completely with Yari. Send them a very nice note and make them feel guilty for behaving like children.


Ugh.. good luck!

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