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Traveling w/ Perscription Meds

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Has anyone had any problems when taking RX meds to Jamaica? Joel and I both take a few daily meds. While mine are fairly small and I am going to keep them in the original RX bottles...one of Joel's, a potassium prescription, has a gigantic bottle. The bottle is 2/3 empty and will take up a large amount of needed room. They look like large vitamin pills. We want to take them out of the bottle to save room.


I thought about getting one of those daily dose containers for his meds and just taking all of them out of the bottles. Will we have problems? We havenâ€t had problems on domestic flights doing this, but we donâ€t know about customs in Jamaica. I can live (painfully) without my IBS meds…but Iâ€d be worried If Joelâ€s Blood pressure meds got confiscated.


Itâ€s been about 6 years since Iâ€ve been to Jamaica and I canâ€t remember what customs and immigration was like. I tried searching the web and couldnâ€t really find anything concrete.

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I completely understand your concern. In March last year I was doing the same research as I have a few daily medications. What I did, and it mentions it in this link, is separated all my meds in to a separate ziploc for easy viewing of security and pulled it out of my luggage along with my ziploc of 3-ouncers. In the link it also says they don't require it, but do recommend, having the meds labeled to ease the process. I didn't have a problem. My leaving the states was on a cruise ship but the regulations were pretty much the same for flying and I had no problem here either. TSA: Travelers with Disabilities and Medical Conditions


I also found a section that allows you to contact with questions and there's a page for medications, so to really play it safe (which can never hurt!) you could probably submit the concern there and hopefully they reply!



Good luck! Happy countdown to your wedding!

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If you keep them in the original bottles you should be fine, they just have fit into a ziplock bags. I traveled abroad last year with several types of medications and was never once questioned. Due make sure you know what you are carrying in case they ask and take them with your carry on.

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I take multiple meds each day. I understand your concern about traveling with them. Know that while keeping them in the original bottle is best, I have traveled out of the country with my meds in daily containers and in ziplocs with a photocopy of the label from the bottle so it can be verfied. I have never had any trouble. I have also never had to pull it out of my carry on.

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kris i always advise pax the original container is the best, i know you dont have a lot of time but is there a way you can get the pharm to issue a new label on a smaller container? and then he can just take what he needs with him??

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We leave tomorrow!! I can't wait.


It has been crazy last week or so for us....my sister had a baby, my parents are in town, Bon Voyage party thrown by our friends, tons of errands to run, and we both still have to work. I will be so glad to get on the plane and finally relax a little, but I think I'll be too excited and still running around.woot.gifwoot.gif

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