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weight loss woes


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this is more of a vent then anything else


a few years back I had lots of success lossing weight with weight watchers and decided to try it again to loss about 15 pounds again. I did not think this would be too hard even though my fiance loves to cook and I dont want to hinder him too much. He uses healthy ingredients so no problem


I decided to limit my points early in the day so I had more to spend in the evening, thus feeling pretty f-ing hungry in the afternoons.


Now the annoying thing, I have not lost a thing and it has been a couple weeks. I think I look a little thinner, but the scale still reads the same, and not just my scale, my folk's too.


Why the hell can I not loss weight?? I've done it before? Is it because I am on the pill or what?

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It could be anything but if you are eating later in the evening that really doesn't help. You need to eat morning and lunch time with one final meal at about 6-7ish any later its just going to sit in your stomach and you won't be burning it off


You will have better results if you combine it with exercise 2. I've lost loads of inches but hardly any weight and thats because i've put muscle and lost fat but my clothes fit better.

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