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Need to vent about SIL!


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Lol I just made a thread about this a couple weeks ago.

My future SIL drives a mercedes and a bmw. Goes on about 3 vacations a year. Brings her kids weekly to the theaters in NYC (3,4, & 11yr olds!).... will only buy herself and kids top of the line clothes and bathing products, and has now decided that she is too poor to come to her only sibling wedding in Jamaica. If she comes, it will only be her alone for a night or two without the kids. But this did not stop them from booking a cruise in August.

Some people are just all about themselves. There is nothing you can do about it but shake your head and go on.

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Savannah! You can talk to my SIL ! jk

Seriously though, she is just as bad... arg don't even get me started.


It seems to be a trend with SIL and DWs... I think its jealousy, because we have the bawls to have our dream wedding in a beautiful exotic location and they are stuck being traditional!

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I have to say you are getting really good advice here. I would not go out of my way to include her and most definitely would NOT pay for her. She is just angry because this is taking the spotlight away from her. That is what is eating her. And every negative thing she says to you is because she has her own insecurities and issues. She will be like a poison pill to you. Don't let her bother you and my best advice is stay away from her she will only cause you grief.


You get to pick your friends not your family. Unfortunately they are kind of a package deal but you can always limit exposure.


My FSIL is a prime example. Oh the stories I could tell! Maybe on another thread. Needless to say we get along great as long as we stay in our own cities! And sometimes even two hours away is too close!


Another thing is just smile and nod! LOL. You will always come out on top. She will only make herself look bad.

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Personally, I think my future SIL is just crying poverty because she knows we are crazy about her kids and want them there. I bet she is hoping her mom will pay for her and the brood if she puts it off long enough. I hope no one lifts a finger or not one dollar to help her selfish behind.

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  • 3 weeks later...

She sounds a lot like my DH's sister, who did not come to our wedding last weekend. If she had come, I really don't know what we would have doen with her whiny ass anyway. I don't understand the dynamice between DH and his sis cuz I am superclose with both of my sibs, but she is nuts and we both decded it was better that she wasn'

t there. Everyone had a great time

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WOAH!!!!!! She sounds extremely immature. How lovely of her to tell you your babies will not be important to MIL.....that is just disgusting that anyone would say that! To be honest, I highly doubt the family will make negative comments AT your wedding. She is an adult and if she doesnt want to come, it is her choice, and shouldn't effect anyone but her....I am sure that if she ever matures, she will regret her decision, but DONT LET IT RUIN your day.............and DEFINITELY don't let it ruin your plans for a destination wedding! IMO, you will probably have a better time without her there!!! If she does come, she'd probably be pouting the whole time anyway! I'm sorry to hear this!

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Originally Posted by Lucky_Girl View Post

She has kindly informed me that her mother will always love her more than she will ever love me, and that her babies will be more special than mine.

I just wanted to share a story about my FILs. They love to tell this one.....

When they were little. They had many relatives about. But FI's Dad was the only boy in his family. So he was the golden one! FI's grandfather loved all the kids of course but had a special place for those that were going to carry on his name. As he got older he tolerate the others less. The grandkids from the daughters were not considered good enough because thier children would not carry on his namesmile105.gifsmile105.gif. It was always said they wee the real "Jones' " and the other children were not because mom married a "Smith".

I know it sounds strange but it must be true. In FI's family I was not treated that great,.... UNTIL I got pregnant. Then when I had a boysmile159.gif. Well OMG. I was like the goose who had laid the golden egg and now could do no wrongsmile120.gif. FSIL went insane because now she could not critize me. MIL and FIL would not tolerate it any more! I had the FIRST grandson. Woohoo. I was now top dog without doing anything. I know this is all stupid, but not everything everyone does makes sense. I got thru by staying away and ignoring her as best I could. My pregnancy was unplanned and so was having a son. Life can be real funny sometimes! Just do what you have to do in order to live with yourself.elefant.gifelefant.gif

Good luck I hope everything turns out as well for you as it did for me. smile03.gif
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