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Garter/Bouquet Toss??

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So, I need some "filler time" at our wedding.. To make a long story short, our ceremony is at 5, but we're not allowed to play music until 8:30pm, so we need to do some of the "events" that we originally weren't going to do, to fill up time after dinner. So, bouquet and garter toss it is. The problem is, there are only like 4 single people TOTAL at the wedding--and all but 1 of them is in a relationship. Soooo, I was trying to think of a non-traditional toss. Here are a few of my ideas:


Whoever catches the bouquet/garter dances with the bride/groom

Whoever catches the bouquet/garter gets some sort of prize


I would love to hear feedback on those ideas, or other suggestions. Would also love to hear ideas on how to fill up time with no music!! Thanks in advance!

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I like the idea of whoever catches the garter/bouquet dances with the bride/groom but add in "to their choice of song"; which could make for some funny dances.


Like Ana, we are not doing either because I am not having a bouquet and there will maybe be 2 single people at our wedding that aren't either married or in relationships.

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For you girls who aren't doing garter tosses...are you still wearing a garter? I think I'm definitely going to skip the toss too since the only two un-married guys are in long term relationships, and one of them is my brother!


There will be 5 unmarried girls at the wedding (only 2 in relationships) so I think I should skip the toss for that too :S


For you Bridget, I think the dance idea is good, although if you have some people at your wedding who hate dancing I would definitely go the prize route (maybe a nice wedding favor in your theme, or a spa treatment at the hotel).


Let us know what you decide! I think a lot of people would be interested in doing this sort of thing.

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I forgot to mention; by doing a non-traditional toss, I meant that I would have everyone--single and not--participate.


I think I'm going to give a gag gift to whoever catches the bouquet... Perhaps making a shirt that says "I went to Bridget & Ryan's Wedding and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" (or something to that effect) with a picture of us in our wedding gown & suit--except that we are wearing our snorkel gear. :) What do you think?

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I forgot to mention; by doing a non-traditional toss, I meant that I would have everyone--single and not--participate.


I think I'm going to give a gag gift to whoever catches the bouquet... Perhaps making a shirt that says "I went to Bridget & Ryan's Wedding and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" (or something to that effect) with a picture of us in our wedding gown & suit--except that we are wearing our snorkel gear. :) What do you think?

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A very classy alternative the bouquet toss that happens at many weddings is the bouquet presentation. The bride usually says a few kind words about an woman that has been instrumental in her life, then goes over and hands her the bouquet as a gift. It's often given to a mom, a grandma, or a mentor. Just a thought.

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You can do a honeymoon (money) dance, or a married couples dance. This where all the married couples dance and the DJ has people sit down who have been married 5 years or less...10 years or less, etc. Finally the couple that has been married the longest is left and you give them a gift.




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  • 8 months later...
Originally Posted by nathanielthompsonphoto View Post
A very classy alternative the bouquet toss that happens at many weddings is the bouquet presentation. The bride usually says a few kind words about an woman that has been instrumental in her life, then goes over and hands her the bouquet as a gift. It's often given to a mom, a grandma, or a mentor. Just a thought.
I LOVE this idea!!!! thank you for this idea!
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