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Gifts for Ring bearer and flower girls.

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Hello everyone! I'm pretty stuck on idea's when it comes down to what to give as gifts for the little one's. What are you guys planning to give as gifts for your Ring Bearer and Flower Girls?? Any help or idea's would help!




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My Little ones are really young (both 2years old)

We are getting them shirts and a bunch of coloring books, crayons...I am also waiting until the Dollar Store comes out with all of their summer stuff, and I am going to get Sand/pool toys.

We found mini Magna Doodles at Michaels for $ each and I also found A flower Girl and Ring Bearer disposable cameras that are really cute, Here they are:

Buy Wedding Flower Girl Wedding Camera - Wedding Flower Girl Wedding Camera Online - Discount Wedding Flower Girl Wedding Camera

Just a bunch of funn little stuff really, because they are too young to know!! We also are buying their outfits :-)

To me, they are the funn people to buy stuff for :-)

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No Problem :-)

I am going to give the Bridal Party gifts at the Rehearsal Dinner. Everyone is getting an OOT upon arrival though (Not the Babies of course..lol) I have to finish them...I can't seem to stop buying things for it. I need to cap it off and leave it, otherwise I will be broke!! hahaha

Anyway...Good luck with your Flower Girl/Ring Bearer gifts! :0)

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I got my niece (who will be 7) a charm bracelet with tropical charms and I figured each year at Christmas I can get her another charm. I got a cute flower girl shirt and a beach towel that she can play checkers on. I am sure i'll get a few more things before we head out.


My nephew (who will be 3) I got him a t-shirt and a towel game that he can play chutes and ladders.


Plus we got their wedding outfits.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

My junior bridesmaid is going to be 12 years old!! I am actually giving her the same things I am giving my actual bridesmaids! To make her feel like part of the group and she is very girlie!! She is getting Necklace from piperblue at etsy with matching earrings for the ceremony, A tan extender from Victoria's secret, A personalized beach chair cover, flip flops for the ceremony, and she is actually getting a little something extra a bathing suit!! I still need to find some more ideas for their gifts but we are paying for their hair/makeup/manicures/pedicures at the resort!!!

Originally Posted by LisaandJeff View Post



Any other ideas?  My flower girl is 8 and the ring bearer is 4.  We also have a Jr. Bridesmaid who is 11. 




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  • 3 months later...

Those cameras are so cute. Thanks for sharing, just love them!

Originally Posted by **~Jenn~** View Post

My Little ones are really young (both 2years old)We are getting them shirts and a bunch of coloring books, crayons...I am also waiting until the Dollar Store comes out with all of their summer stuff, and I am going to get Sand/pool toys.We found mini Magna Doodles at Michaels for $ each and I also found A flower Girl and Ring Bearer disposable cameras that are really cute, Here they are:Buy Wedding Flower Girl Wedding Camera - Wedding Flower Girl Wedding Camera Online - Discount Wedding Flower Girl Wedding CameraJust a bunch of funn little stuff really, because they are too young to know!! We also are buying their outfits :-)To me, they are the funn people to buy stuff for :-)


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