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Rsvp vent again !!!!!!!


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Okay, I know I am not the only person that has had this problem SURPRISE!

But I am so shock/surprsied by people waiting until the last minute and past the last minute to RSVP! I am having a wedding cruise and everyone has made their final payment. So there is no turning back unless they purchased the insurance (which I am sure most people did not). I let people know 1 year in advance atleast. I think I gave more notice than that but I am not sure. Plus I sent out the invites THREE months ago!!!!!!!!!!!! So I have to have the information to the cruise line by next week. I have to give a list of everyone's name and cabins (if they are going on the cruise). So if you don't RSVP then you can't come the wedding! I think there are ways around it but the cruiseline frowns upon changes after 45 prior to the wedding. So my FI's friends and my brother are the problem. I have one person that has not even booked! He is our closest friend too!!! I understand that he has uncertainty about who is going but COME ON MAN!!!!!!!!!!!! The another of FI's friends has not added his person to his cabin. I send FI an email today to forward to his friend that he needs to add the person and send in his RSVP. So his friend sends me an email Asking what a Stamp goes for?!?!?!?!wtf.gif First of all, the damn thing has postage on it! Secondly, if you can't spring for a .42 CENT stamp (not that I would do that) then DO NOT COME! I think he might have been kidding but it was not funny AT ALL! So then I call my FI to tell him and he tells me to calm down and just don't worry about it. stfu.gif This mad me even more mad. I just don't get it you have known for HOW LONG?!?!?!?!? I just don't understand how poeple can be that way! One of my favorite sayings is Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. Obviously our (FI's) friends have never heard of this before!


I have told the two main people that if I don't have the information then they or their guests will not be able to attend the wedding. So I am going to try to take my FI's advice and not worry about it but I HATE PEOPLE!

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