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Legal ceremony

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It is too complicated to get ''LEGALLY MARRIED IN MEXICO"

I see many people do legal part before they arrive in Mexico.

Is it possible to do the legal part when we come home from Mexico. I want my wedding in Mexico to feel like the 1st time getting married. Im afraid going to the courthouse before hand will take away from it.

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I'm sure that you can do that. I really don't see why not. Michael and I booked our city hall legal wedding a day and a half before we fly out. We requested no vows, no ring exchange etc....and its all possible. We're planning on going only with 2 witnesses and in jeans and hoodies cheesy.gif I don't think it will feel at all like a wedding..lol

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I'm doing the same thing, just talk to the coordinator at your resort to make sure this is something they do. Instead of booking a wedding package, we are doing a cerimonial wedding in Mexico under a vow renewal package. Then we are going to get legally married here when we return. We still get the wedding on the beach feel without all the legal pains. Just be sure to clarify with the wedding coordinator at your resort so that you only pay for the cerimonial wedding and not all the legal services. You might still have to go there a few days early to meet with the resort coordinator - even though we're not doing the legal part in mexico, our resort requires us to still go there 3 days before the wedding to meet with the coordinator & make sure everything is all set.

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I think it depends on if you're using a resort or a specific package through the resort. For us, we need to get legally married prior to going in order to qualify for the 'honeymoon' portion of our free wedding package. We too plan on doing a streamlined legal ceremony sans the ring exchange or vows. I, personally, will be approaching it for just what it is, the signing of a legal contract.

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  • 2 years later...

I had no idea that you can opt not to say any vows or exchange rings. This is great news! We'll definitely get married before, if this is the case :) And this can be done at the court? I know it costs to get your marriage license, but how much does it cost to get the magistrate/justice of the peace at the courthouse to perform the 'ceremony' to become legally married?? I know the amount probably won't be the same in every state, but I just need a ballpark to budget in.

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I know here in Virginia we paid $30 to the officiant.  We went to her home, she performed the ceremony. We didn't exchange vows or rings.  She signed the papers, I took them to the court house and we were married!!! 

That was over a year ago and I am still super excited about our wedding!  Getting married at the courthouse ( or in our case at the officiant's house) does not trump the experience of wearing the gown and walking down the aisle.  Also, we didn't have any witnesses, so no one knew about it.

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