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Don't drink the water?

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My Fiance and I are headed to Cabo next week to check out places and decide if we want to get married in Cabo. One thing that concerns me is the water situation. I went several years ago to Cancun area and my friend got Montezuma's revenge even though we drank from bottled water the whole time. So, I guess my question is.. has anyone addressed this issue with the resorts/wedding planner/wait staff ahead of time to assure nobody gets sick? I have visions of lots of drinking going on and either my guests will drink warm beverages or I would need to find a way to assure the ice is safe. Ive never been to Cabo so maybe they have better watering systems.. either way, would love to know how anyone has dealt with this in the past.


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All of the resorts have their own filtration system. You're okay to order water from the restaurants and drink it (ice cubes or not), but if you're still concerned, drink bottled water only - they're more than happy to provide it for you if that's what you prefer. Also, put a note (or talk to your housekeeper) to stalk your in-room fridge with lots of bottled water for you to carry aroung - on site, or off site. :)

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Sometimes the raw food you eat that was washed in tap water (cilantro, lettuce, etc.) is what does it. My mom drank bottled water, brushed her teeth with bottled water, etc. and still got sick from a salad - we think it was the salad. Many places wash their produce with purified water but how does one really know? I've eaten off taco stands in Tijuana and P.V. and didn't get sick, but that was just pure luck. Drink bottled water and try not to eat raw things for the best chances of staying well.

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