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Worst Valentines day EVER!!


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My girlfriend always posts on this website and I usually sit back and listen, but I had to post a response to this thread. The male species can be insensitive and rude at times, but this takes it to a new level. I have learned (sometimes the hard way) that you don't express all of your thoughts (especially when you have to spend the night with the person you offended). Us men always say things that we regret and oftentimes think that is alright because we are telling the truth and not "sugarcoating" things. I do guarantee that after your fiance finishes slamming doors and being defensive, he will genuinely be sorry and apologize for his remarks. And the good thing is that he will never make that mistake again! I have learned that whenever my girlfriend asks me if what she is wearing is okay, the answer is a resounding "You look Beautiful"! You live and learn, and I think that “not getting any†will be an indelible reminder of what NOT to do again.

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i love it when men don't even understand why you're angry, LOL. they really are simple creatures.


LMAO @ harty as usual.


my two cents? you shouldn't be showing him wedding dresses! let it be a surprise! isn't bad luck for the groom to see the dress?


and btw, i haven't been a size 8 since i was in 7th grade. i'm sure you look AMAZING. apparently your fiance is a gorgeous, perfect, hard-bodied model type with about 0% body fat? if so, we want pics, LOL! if not, tell him to shut his trap!

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Originally Posted by wayneswifey View Post
He is so wrong. I'm a size zero and those dresses look horrible on me. I would love to be at least a four.
That style of dress is made for a real woman with curves.
I ended up having to go with a princess style that makes me look like a little girl.
Thank you very much for that. That's the problem, I LOVE how I look in those dresses so it really erked me when he didn't think I would look good (and not just not good, but bad). I know he's just a guy and doesn't know what he's talking about or when to keep his mouth shut - I still couldn't help getting mad.

I am trying to lose weight - not just for the wedding but also because I want to, for me. I lost 12-15 pounds last year then gained it all back when we moved in together and I started cooking real dinners every night. Right now its proving hard to find a balance between work, him, house chores, and time for me (along with eating well and forcing myself to exercise). Anyway, i'm diverging from the topic of this thread. Men can be stupid.
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That was very insensitive and last I checked...the average size of a woman today is a size 12.,,and that could go any direction, depending on your build, etc....Size 8 is the perfect sample size and one of those sizes where you are not anorexic looking nor are you even remotely close to looking fat! As hard as it is to forget comments like that, try not to let it get you down. I wish my FI would come at me like that with some comment like that and I would certainly serve him a cold dish of verbal whoop azz! I am not the smallest of a woman (tall), so I fight this inner demon at times myself with the whole weight issue. Best luck

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He needs a swift kick in the ass, and you should be wearing stylish pointy shoes when that happens. Sorry but honestly, what was he thinking? I hope you aren't taking his comments to heart because I am sure you are very beautiful just the way you are. And you should wear whatever you want to wear! (personally, I think that first dress is va-va vooooom) wink.gif

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HELL nah, you aren't overreacting. He was being an ASS, plain and simple. A.) it's not like you're too big to wear any damn dress you please, and b.) even if you WERE (which, have I mentioned you're skinny?) then he DAMN WELL shouldn't be thinking that way.


What on earth is wrong with guys when they pull this kind of crap? Ugh.

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I tried on a beautiful dress eventhough I had already decided on another just because it was stunning, and I emailed it to my mom. Her Response...


"Good thing that you don't look good in it".


I asked her what was that response about, and she goes


"Oh, I didn't know you liked the dress seriously. I said that because you looked so good in the dress that you chose this one doesn't compare."



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Originally Posted by mummergirl View Post
i love it when men don't even understand why you're angry, LOL. they really are simple creatures.

LMAO @ harty as usual.

my two cents? you shouldn't be showing him wedding dresses! let it be a surprise! isn't bad luck for the groom to see the dress?

and btw, i haven't been a size 8 since i was in 7th grade. i'm sure you look AMAZING. apparently your fiance is a gorgeous, perfect, hard-bodied model type with about 0% body fat? if so, we want pics, LOL! if not, tell him to shut his trap!
I agree with Lisa! Men are simple creatures with NO CLUE about women; you shouldn't be showing him wedding dresses because whatever you choose for your body type will look amazing...and he will think so too; and we want pics of this perfect specimen of a man!! LOL

Well said Lisa!
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OMG I am pretty sure the exact same situation has happened to me, although I don't think over the wedding dress. But anyway, he doesn't think he should have to be sorry for expressing the way he feels.


You should get whatever wedding dress you feel the best in, and don't even show it to him!!! He doesn't need to see it until your wedding day, and on that day regardless if it is his favourite dress or not, he is going to love you and think you're the most beautiful woman in the whole world! So leave him out of the dress selection process. Boys for the most part are completely clueless about how something will look until they actually see you wearing it.

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