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My Marriage is Over!!!


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He may not have made a good choice but you have. You've chosen your kids and yourself. I hope that you have a good support system around you. You'll be a better mother when you can raise your children in a healthy environment. Good Luck!

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Well, if he doesn't let me have the quad, then one of these days when he is having coffee, I might just go out there and drive my quad off the property and then we will load it up and take it. I would like to see him try and charge me with theft when it is mine, and if he isn't there, he can't prove that it is me driving the quad off the property even!

As for talking to the cops, I did, but I'm not sure that he understood, because he said that it will have to be done between the lawyers, but it isn't Larry that is refusing to ive it to me, it is his Dad! I will get my stuff, it is just a matter of when, and if he is going to be like this (sticking his nose in our business now rather than when I have asked him to help me with Larry's drinking) then I am not making any effort in letting him see the kids. He is the type that would call me down in front of the kids too. He doesn't care!

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I'm about done with his whole family execpt his mom. He does have one brother that I don't mind but he isn't really around here much. I have a busy weekend to get through, so I will start worrying about it again on Wed. Not sure if I will be on much till wed either. I have to work tonight, then short shift and work days tomorrow. Right after work I have to get the kids and head into the city for the concert. If I get in there early enough, then I will go visit my friend that just had premature triplets. They are doing well but I would like to stop if I have time. Then Mon morning I have an appointment for my eye in the city, then have to come home for a bank appointment to sort out our accounts, then to work again. Then on Tues Hailey and I have Dr appointments before I have to go to work again! *YAWN* I still haven't really been sleeping either.


Harty, isn't it getting late there?

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Holy crap, you've got a busy life for the next little while! And if he's the type to put you down in front of your own children, then he doesn't deserve to see them. Harty may be a little more blunt than the rest of us lol But she's totally right. And I agree, if he sees you riding off on the quad, give him a wave, and a one-fingered salute lol

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When I saw this thread I thought I was reading wrong. OMG honey, I am so sorry to hear about this with your family. smile03.gif


I will keep you in my prayers so that God can give you strength during this time. How are you holding up? You are so courageous to stand up to him and everyone else so that your kids can have some sense of a normal childhood; and you some sort of normal relationship.


You have a strong will and will get through this. Some times people have to hit rock bottom and it sounds like this is it for Larry. Some time away from everyone, everything and outside influences may be just what he needs to prioritize his life.


Hopefully when he gets out he will be able to establish a relationship with you with boundaries and he can be the father he really wants to be for his kids. One day at a time sweetie. Know that we are here for you!


Love ya,


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So Larry is out and will be staying at his Mom's for awhile. His brother may have gotten him a job up in Grande Prairie, so at least he will be working and can help me with the bills and kids. I guess he talked to his Dad and told him that this wasn't my fault, and that he had no right to treat me that way. There is one big step in a long journey for him to get better. He has not been one to take responsibility for his actions and would blame it on this and that or someone else. He still isn't allowed home and I dropped a bag of clothes off for him out by the van so he could pick them up. I just hope that the choices and changes that he has made in the last 10 days will last a life time for him. I still care for him and want the best for him, but hopefully that isn't going to jail again for his choices.

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