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My Marriage is Over!!!


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Originally Posted by Abbie View Post
erica, how ya doin today?
Hey there Abby. Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday. I went out for coffee with an old friend plus I am still working nights, so I sleep in the morning and then in the evening. Basically, I had no computer time yesterday, so no BDW time.

As for how I am doing....I am doing alright. I am just staying strong for the kids, and one of my coworkers that was in an extremely abusive relationship and her ex-DH had drug and alcohol addictions has helped me through my night shifts. Larry is still in jail and has to wait until tomorrow when he has court. Then we will find out what is happening with him. Will he get out? OR will he have to stay in the Remand until his trail date? We will see. He also has condition so he can't contact me, he can't come near our apt, and he can only come to the hospital for medical reasons. He also has to stay way from alcohol and any place that sells and/or serves alcohol. I think that the harder days are still to come, but I will deal with them as they come, and I am sure that you will ll hear from me during those times.

You are all so supportive, and I it is so calming knowing that people out there do care and aren't passing judgement! I thought this forum was great before, but I appreciate it even more now as people here are good or more than helping with wedding planning and the stress with it! Thank you!!!!!
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ok thanks fo rthe update erica :)


and yes that is really the most fabulous part of BDW besides the wedding planning, we love our members and we all really care about each other. please please please keep us in the loop with your situation, you've made some great friends here who want to know you're ok and we want to keep you around!

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Erica, I am also sorry that you're having to deal with this. However, I'm super proud of you for being an awesome mother and for being good to yourself.


You did what had to be done for the safety of your children even though it was difficult to do, and that really says a lot about how fantastic you are.


Good luck to you as the rest of this unfolds. I wish the best to you.

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Originally Posted by Abbie View Post
you've made some great friends here who want to know you're ok and we want to keep you around!
Don't worry Abby, I don't plan on going anywhere. If anything, I am hoping to be around here more often again. My BDW time has become quite scarce lately but I hope that isn't the case anymore.

Thank you again to everyone and their words of wisdom and support. It really means alot!!!!!!
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You are an amazingly strong & wonderful woman. My prayers go out to you & your children. I've dealt with my brother's drinking problem for years, so I can completely empathize with your situation. I know I can't really say anthing to you that will make it better. Just know that I am here for you...even if you need me to help take your mind off of it with silly topics (like Y&R).



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I am late getting to this thread, but I wanted to express how sorry I am that all of this happened!

You are a very strong woman to make the wise (and difficult choice) that your kids should not be in an unhealthy environment like that! Unfortunately I am all too familiar with drug and alcohol abuse (my father passed away from a drug overdose). Maybe this is the "bottom" that your DH needed to realize the damage he's doing to everyone around him??

We're all here for you!!! cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

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Erica I am glad you are being so strong. Remember we are always here for you :)


You are doing whatever it takes to protect your children and keep them safe and no one would ever judge you for that! You are a role model for others in your situation because you had the courage to stand up for yourself and your kids and that is not always easy.


I wish you all the best. Please keep us updated.

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