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Hurting for a Cousin


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So this is the first post I'm actually starting...(*shock*) My uncle died Tuesday and my heart is breaking primarily for my one cousin, his daughter. Her wedding was only 11 days away...I don't know if she's going to continue with it or postpone, I know how much he meant to her. She was always kind of the Daddy's Girl of the family (a family of 3 girls/3 boys). What makes me feel worse, is I'm stuck here 10 hours away because of the stupid weather. I feel so much like I should be there, but it would have been irrational to drive home as it sounds like we'd be driving in ugliness the entire way, and flying was unfortunatly out of the question as there's no way we could afford it...must have to do with it being Valentine's and President's Day weekend. Not to mention, my birthday is tomorrow..and FI wants to take me out, and I was looking forward to it...but now it just feels wrong to celebrate when everyone else will be mourning. I don't know what to do...just needed to get it out somewhere.cry.gif

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I'm so sorry for your loss... I personally believe that you do not have to be in a certain place to mourn the loss of a loved one. I am sure your family will understand. I hope your cousin goes through with her wedding, as painful as it might be, because I bet her father would have wanted her to. He will be watching over her. And to you, have a happy birthday, and reflect and be happy for the things that make your life so special, and the memories of your Uncle. I think he would want you, and his daughter to be happy. Again, I am so sorry for your loss and my heart goes out to you and your family.

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