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What do you guys think of the 8 babies/14 kids chick???


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someone get her a puppy quick before she feels the need to have another baby.


actually better yet. someone slip the Pill in her next milk shake. no one living at home with their mother should be having that many kids to try and fulfill her life.


Hopefully she is a fit mother because i feel bad for the kids. i saw a show where a couple has like 15 kids but they can support them

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Originally Posted by KAMAY11 View Post
I just found this website....Welcome to The Nadya Suleman Family Website
The poor babies break my heart!!!

But COME ON-She set up this website to get donations from people!!!! This is just wrong! She should NOT HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO RECEIVE INVITRO!!!
i figured it was a scam.. who has six kids and feels the need to go invitro just to have more . obviously she isnt having a problem getting knocked up she just wanted to have as many as she could to get donations... that makes me sick that someone would use their babies as their cash cow.
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Originally Posted by azhuskergirl View Post
Now regardless how I feel about her, does she deserve death threats? Absolutely not. ANd now the state of California has to spend more money to keep her safe/investigate these claims. Can this woman drain society of any more $$?
I agree, the death threats are ridiculous and help nothing. And as one of the people helping to pay for her to have and keep all of these kids I feel that her actions are totally irresponsible. Someone mentioned the doctor that did this procedure and I also question how he or she made that decision in good faith. The whole thing is bizzare!
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after seeing this ive made up my mind.. hahaha. she has issues. not only has she this need to have lots of kids but she has had lots of plastic surgery too. her lips and nose and cheeks and eyes look way over done from her pictures of her as younger.


she said she only wanted to have one more kid. so if she had 8 then give the rest up for adoption. she said herself she has a need and a void in her life that she needs to fill. i'm not saying she is a bad mother. she might possibly be the worlds best mother for all i know. but i dont think she should be allowed to have any more kids. if she has to ask for donations to raise them then its time to stop ... put a closed sign on those ovaries of yours wink.gif

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There are people who have large groups of children and are very successful, like the Duggars. They've got 18 children, and they've managed to make it all work, but there's also TWO parents. Not a single mother. Single mothers deserve a lot of respect, because it's a tough job, and to be doing it on your own makes it even tougher. When you've got six kids that you can't take care of, why would you have eight more? That's more than twice the kids you have now that are being raised by their grandparents. That's very irresponsible... And with the way the world works, when I try to have children in a few years with my (by then) husband, I won't be able to, but this nutter can have 14...


And her saying that she loves each and every one of her children, the lady with 75 cats loves all of her cats too, but there are only so many hours in a day that you can spend quality time raising and nurturing them, and if you sleep for 8 hours a day, then you're awake for 16, so that's one hour per kid, and two hours left over for eating, showering, cleaning, etc. Now with two parents, each child can get two hours of attention per day, but she's only one person! The wheel is spinning, but the hampster is dead...


And Sloan, saying humans aren't meant to have litters, that cracked me up lol

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I agree, humans aren't meant to have litters!


Dr, Phil was having a field day with this chick all week. I don't know if she was actually on the show or not but he was parading around experts and Kate from J&K+8.


She said that post-partum is horrible. When her 6 were infants she said she had 50 volunteers a week to help out with them and around the house. And volunteers wear out too, but they have the option of leaving.


This woman's biggest problem is that she likes babies and when the babies are all grown up, she needs a new one. Look at the stair-step in their ages! Thank God she is out of embryos! (I bet the sperm donor is freaking out. I've heard it was her ex-husband)


And, if you are going to pimp out your family and ask for money and presents, why not show the other 6 kids instead of just the 8 newborns, KWIM?

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