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well it is artichoke season and i love them steamed with mayo and lemon and also love to marinate then roast them in olive oil, garlic, thyme, and lemon but doing it this way can be time consuming.


any other ideas for artichokes.


christa, i know this is your expertise.

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My Italian family does a bunch of things with fresh artichokes...stuffs them, fries them, makes salads, bakes them with chicken . . . I can get some recipes from my mamma if you like.


Off the top of my head I know this stuffed recipe:


Wash & then cut off the stem and top 1/3 off the artichoke and scoop out the middle (like the scratchy & purple parts).




I like to sautee garlic, onion, celery, and red bell pepper for color in extra virgin olive oil until soft. Let it cool and add some breadcrumbs, freshly grated pecorino-romano or parmesan cheese or both, and fresh lump crab meat. Make sure to use good olive oil and really fresh crab. You can really add or take away any of the ingredients you like.


Stuff middle and between rows of leaves with mixture and drizzle tops with evoo. Bake in dish with a little water and cover with foil. If you like you can add lemon wedges to the water prior to baking. It takes about an hour or so.

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  • 11 months later...


  • 2 artichokes, halved and choke scraped out
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 shallot, chopped
  • 1/2 cup butter
  1. Preheat an outdoor grill for low heat.
  2. Meanwhile, bring a large pot of water to a boil. Place the artichokes into the boiling water, and season with salt and pepper. Throw in half of the garlic, and half of the shallot. Boil for about 30 minutes, or until a fork is easily inserted into the stem of the artichokes. Drain and set aside.
  3. Melt the butter in a small pan over medium heat, and stir in the remaining garlic and shallot. Cook just until fragrant, then remove from the heat.
  4. Place the artichoke halves onto the preheated grill. Brush some of the melted butter onto them. Cook for 5 to 10 minutes, brushing with butter occasionally, until lightly toasted. Serve with remaining butter as a dipping sauce.
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mmm i love artichokes! plain ole' butter dipping sauce, sooo good. drooooooooool :)


also love the artichoke dip from costco, ok so it's not exactly fresh but so so yummy. you can heat up a couple scoops in the microwave and have it with chips or whatever. oh lord, gotta make a costco run later!

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Originally Posted by CarrieRN View Post
everytime I attempt cooking fresh artichokes they are so fibrous and chewy. Any tips? I almost bought some baby artichokes at the grocery store earlier this week but decided against it.
are you boiling them or steaming them?
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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
My Italian family does a bunch of things with fresh artichokes...stuffs them, fries them, makes salads, bakes them with chicken . . . I can get some recipes from my mamma if you like.

Off the top of my head I know this stuffed recipe:

Wash & then cut off the stem and top 1/3 off the artichoke and scoop out the middle (like the scratchy & purple parts).


I like to sautee garlic, onion, celery, and red bell pepper for color in extra virgin olive oil until soft. Let it cool and add some breadcrumbs, freshly grated pecorino-romano or parmesan cheese or both, and fresh lump crab meat. Make sure to use good olive oil and really fresh crab. You can really add or take away any of the ingredients you like.

Stuff middle and between rows of leaves with mixture and drizzle tops with evoo. Bake in dish with a little water and cover with foil. If you like you can add lemon wedges to the water prior to baking. It takes about an hour or so.
WOW, that was off the top of your head, Jamy I am impressed, mmmm it sounds yummy:)
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