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i like it much better now too :)


but honestly, i think i would really use your formal names for it, seeing as how its gonna be all over your wedding stuff! like a thousand years from now maybe no one will call you kokomo anymore, but everyone will still call you samie, kwim?

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Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg View Post
Yes, Kokomo and Remy are our nicknames. Everybody calls us that. I have changed that first one....let me know what ya'll think!

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I really like the way this new one looks, maybe you could incorporate the yellow into the name of your locale? Looks great though, give your FI a nice pat on the back for that one :)
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Okay girls, I have tweeked, tweeked, and retweeked this monogram thingie a gajillion times...here is the one I think I'm going to use...with Georgia spelled the correct way! HaHa! Let me know what ya think of this one!


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And Abbie....my FI WANTS our nicknames...he put his foot down on that one! LOL! So, to make him happy, we will be using nicknames!

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