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Michael - ROR photoshop Not a very helpful guy

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Thought I would share my initial impressions of Michael. I emailed him to ask a couple of questions about extra time in addition to the wedding package and also if we can change the amount of photo's we want once there.


the reply was this:


Hi Claire,


nothing is put in stone. Please read the FAQ´s carefully on the website


best images


and you have all your answers there.

Kind regards




Yeah, thanks Michael that really helps!!


Just hope he's as nice as the other brides have said and that maybe he was having an off day yesterday!

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Hi how are you??


I can't believe he brushed you off like that, what an a***hole, he was nothing but helpful & courteous to me, imagine saying 'nothing is set in stone' & its the most important day of your life.

I certainly hope he was having an off day, for your sake, have you booked him yet?


Talk soon hun x x x

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Yikes! Best of luck with all your plans! All I can tell you is you should love your photographers work and they should be enjoyable to work with.

You need to either deal with this now and get it out of your system working it over with him or find someone else. You don't want to be angry at the person capturing your images. They should be the last thing on your mind!

Keep a positive attitude and everything will take care of itself.

Lincoln & Lori

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Hi all


I was looking at the photoshop FAQs & noticed they advise people to bring a laptop with them so the pictures & dvd can be viewed, apparently they do have one but its not always available.


I am not really keen on bringing mine for 2 reasons;


1. I don't imagine the laptop would fit in the in-room safe

2. We will be bringing enough luggage with us without having to bring this as well.


If any previous brides can help it would be really helpful??




S x feedback.gif

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Originally Posted by sarah.cullen View Post
Hi all

I was looking at the photoshop FAQs & noticed they advise people to bring a laptop with them so the pictures & dvd can be viewed, apparently they do have one but its not always available.

I am not really keen on bringing mine for 2 reasons;

1. I don't imagine the laptop would fit in the in-room safe
2. We will be bringing enough luggage with us without having to bring this as well.

If any previous brides can help it would be really helpful??


S x feedback.gif
We did not bring a laptop with us, and they offered us theirs to use, there did not seem to be any problem with the availability. We chose not to view our pictures while we were on vacation. I didn't want to spend my vacation sitting in my room looking at pictures. We brought home a cd and viewed them at home.

As for Michael being rude or cold, he is a nice guy, just a little straight forward. You have to remember, he gets the same questions from many brides a day, and it probably gets frustrating for him. That's why he started the website, to avoid getting so many emails. He is very busy and their internet service is very slow.

You can do whatever you want with you pictures. When you book Michael, he asks you to fill out a worksheet and put down how many pictures you want, but you don't have to stick to it. It is almost impossible to know how many pictures you want before seeing them, or knowing how many you have to choose from. Just make sure you bring enough money if you are planning on taking your pictures before you go.
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