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Wedding vow thread

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Ok so since I'm trying to come up with my wedding vows, I figured I would post it in hopes for suggstion and some of you noticed you have some helpful stuff to share, so I thought I would make a thread to help future brides with their vows.


Please give honest feedback, I'm going for funny and sentimental.


Cain, when we met at work, I never knew that my life was about to change, and that I would find my soul mate, my best friend. I will never forget the day I knew I was in love with you, we were at the mall on our lunch hour, in some random store and you bent down to smell a candle, you looked up at me and said "I like melons" we both shared a look, and busted out laughing, tears running down our faces. Because of you, I have learned to enjoy each day as it comes. You have taught me so much, because of you I now enjoy our winters, you taught me how to snowboard and still loved me when I was frustrated and wanted to give up, but you were always there to reach your hand out to help me get up and try again. You have always been there to pick me up when I'm down regardless of the situation. On those nights when your working, I miss your laugh, your crazy dances, but most of all I miss curling up next to you on the couch. I look forward to the day when we see our kids being born, loosing their first tooth, going to their first day of school, and eventually getting married and having kids of their own, we have done so much together and shared so many wonderful memories together and yet we have a lifetime of memories that are awaiting for us. I know we will live joyously, laugh freely and always be supportive of one another throughout our marriage and its triumphs and trials. I promise to always clean your dirty chonies, crackie your toes and wake you up when you fall asleep on the couch. (not sure about the couch part, I'm still trying to figure out the third thing) I pledge before our friends and family to accept you as my partner above all others and cherish you forever as my husband and friend for the rest of our lives.

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I like it! Very sweet! I love it comes from the heart! Maybe we should write ours too. As for the comical aspect regarding the couch it could work maybe add something like "...fall asleep on the couch during a movie you insisted on watching; or ... to mow the lawn. I'm sure you get the idea. But over all love it!

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Love it! Made me tear up...

I like how personal it is, especailly about the moment you knew you were in love with him.


I am not as far as writing my vows yet, but my sister passed on a book for me to use. I think I like the idea of making it personal and writing them from scratch, but I won't be able to get through them with out bawling!

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I many have spelled "chonie" wrong but it's spanish for underwear, there are certain words that I only say in spanish because I'm a dork and like the way they sound better.. flipflops is another word I say in spanish only.. lol And the reason I put them in the vows is because I do laundry and he cleans the shower since we both hate doing the other so it was a good trade and Cain laughs at me anytime I speak spanish, he says I'm too white,, LOL

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